F. Carollo
Simulation with a Torque Dynamometer of Pollutants Emission from Vehicles Near Urban Cross-Road
Nowadays, the influence of the vehicular traffic on the degradation of urban atmosphere is focused on by researchers belonging to different fields in view of its prime importance for public health. The control of exhaust gases emission is primary in order to keep air pollution below the specified limits of the laws in force. In previous works the “medium car” characterises a country in modelling a pollutant in urban areas. This is the central parameter of a forecasting model proposed by Pignato and LoMastro, of pollutant concentration near urban cross-road with traffic lights in continue queue and platoon flow. The proofs have been carried on two classes of displacement vehicles and four cl…
Caratterizzazione termomeccanica dell’acido polilattico e due suoi compositi
Questa memoria presenta i test sperimentali per la caratterizzazione termomeccanica del biopolimero acido polilattico e dei suoi compositi con farina di faggio o con nanorinforzo di montmorillonite modifcata, per uno studio di applicabilità nel settore automobilistico. Per la caratterizzazione meccanica e il confronto dei risultati vengono eseguiti prove di coppia e di trazione; i test dinamici vengono eseguiti per la caratterizzazione termomeccanica, determinando il modulo elastico e il fattore di perdita rispetto alla temperatura effettiva. This paper presents the experimental tests for the thermomechanical characterization of biopolymer polylactic acid, and its composites with beech flour…
Thermomechanical Characterization of Polylactic Acid and Composites
This paper presents the experimental tests for the thermomechanical characterization of biopolymer polylactic acid, and its composites with beech flour or with nanoreiforcement of modified montmorillonite, in order to evaluate any applicability in the automotive sector. Tests of torque and traction are executed for the mechanical characterization and the results comparison; dynamical tests are executed for the thermomechanical characterization, determining the elastic modulus and loss factor versus the actual temperature.