F. Sutera


research product

Aortic valve disease: follow-up of a group of patients undergone to aortic valve replacement.

research product

Caratterizzazione termomeccanica dell’acido polilattico e due suoi compositi

Questa memoria presenta i test sperimentali per la caratterizzazione termomeccanica del biopolimero acido polilattico e dei suoi compositi con farina di faggio o con nanorinforzo di montmorillonite modifcata, per uno studio di applicabilità nel settore automobilistico. Per la caratterizzazione meccanica e il confronto dei risultati vengono eseguiti prove di coppia e di trazione; i test dinamici vengono eseguiti per la caratterizzazione termomeccanica, determinando il modulo elastico e il fattore di perdita rispetto alla temperatura effettiva. This paper presents the experimental tests for the thermomechanical characterization of biopolymer polylactic acid, and its composites with beech flour…

research product

Biopolymeric bilayer films for packaging applications prepared by co-extrusion film blowing

The requirements for reducing packaging waste drove academic efforts to search compostable bio-sourced polymeric materials. Multilayer systems can represent a suitable strategy to obtain the required properties and to improve biopolymer performance. Thus, the aim of the current work is the preparation by co-extrusion film blowing of a bio-based bilayer film with the purpose to overcome the drawbacks of the individual components.

research product

Reprocessing of PLA based nanocomposites: Effect of nanofiller

Several studies investigated the effect of the reprocessing on the properties of PLA. However, recycling of PLA-based nanocomposites was not been investigated in depth so far. PLA is susceptible to thermo-degradation during melt processing operations. For this purpose, the study of thermo-mechanical degradative phenomena associated to its re-processing is of great concern in order to assess the possibility of recycling PLA-based nanocomposites. This work aims to evaluate the effect of reprocessing on morphology and properties of PLA reinforced with different nanofillers, i.e. hydrotalcites (HT) and graphene nanoplatelets (GnPs), pointing out on the role of the nanofiller.

research product

Thermomechanical Characterization of Polylactic Acid and Composites

This paper presents the experimental tests for the thermomechanical characterization of biopolymer polylactic acid, and its composites with beech flour or with nanoreiforcement of modified montmorillonite, in order to evaluate any applicability in the automotive sector. Tests of torque and traction are executed for the mechanical characterization and the results comparison; dynamical tests are executed for the thermomechanical characterization, determining the elastic modulus and loss factor versus the actual temperature.

research product