Uwe Gellert
Learning to Teach Mathematics: Expanding the Role of Practicum as an Integrated Part of a Teacher Education Programme
The premise of the 15th ICMI Study is that teachers are key to students' opportunities to learn mathematics. What teachers of mathematics know, care about, and do is a product of their experiences and socialization, together with the impact of their professional education. The Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics assembles important new international work- development, research, theory and practice - concerning the professional education of teachers of mathematics. As it examines critical areas to reveal what is known and what significant questions and problems warrant collective attention, the volume also contributes to the strengthening of the international co…
The 69th CIEAEM conference was held from 15th to 19th July 2017 at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. It successfully involved 100 participants from 20 countries all over the world. CIEAEM 69 was dedicated to Professor Christine Keitel, president of CIEAEM from 1997 to 2003, who tragically passed away one year before the conference. The programme of the conference started with a panel that revisited “Mathematics (Education) and Common Sense”, the theme of the 47th CIEAEM conference, which was held in Berlin in July 1995 and which was hosted by Christine. At the conference, researchers, teachers, educators, and students met to discuss, in a collaborative and inspiring environment, the most p…