Dalibor Djukanovic
Chiral structure of the Roper resonance using complex-mass scheme
The pole mass and the width of the Roper resonance are calculated as functions of the pion mass in the framework of low-energy effective field theory of the strong interactions. We implement a systematic power-counting procedure by applying the complex-mass scheme.
Strange Electromagnetic Form Factors of the Nucleon with Nf=2+1 O(a) -Improved Wilson Fermions
We present results for the strange contribution to the electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon computed on the coordinated lattice simulation ensembles with N_{f}=2+1 flavors of O(a)-improved Wilson fermions and an O(a)-improved vector current. Several source-sink separations are investigated in order to estimate the excited-state contamination. We calculate the form factors on six ensembles with lattice spacings in the range of a=0.049-0.086 fm and pion masses in the range of m_{π}=200-360 MeV, which allows for a controlled chiral and continuum extrapolation. In the computation of the quark-disconnected contributions, we employ hierarchical probing as a variance-reduction technique.
Vector form factor of the pion in chiral effective field theory
The vector form factor of the pion is calculated in the framework of chiral effective field theory with vector mesons included as dynamical degrees of freedom. To construct an effective field theory with a consistent power counting, the complex-mass scheme is applied.
Chiral expansion of the nucleon mass to order q^6
We present the results of a complete two-loop calculation at order q^6 of the nucleon mass in manifestly Lorentz-invariant chiral perturbation theory. The renormalization is performed using the reformulated infrared renormalization, which allows for the treatment of two-loop integrals while preserving all relevant symmetries, in particular chiral symmetry.
Chiral theory of nucleons and pions in the presence of an external gravitational field
We extend the standard second order effective chiral Lagrangian of pions and nucleons by considering the coupling to an external gravitational field. As an application we calculate one-loop corrections to the one-nucleon matrix element of the energy-momentum tensor to fourth order in chiral counting, and next-to-leading order tree-level amplitude of the pion-production in an external gravitational field. We discuss the relation of the obtained results to experimentally measurable observables. Our expressions for the chiral corrections to the nucleon gravitational form factors differ from those in the literature. That might require to revisit the chiral extrapolation of the lattice data on t…
Infrared renormalization of two-loop integrals and the chiral expansion of the nucleon mass
We describe details of the renormalization of two-loop integrals relevant to the calculation of the nucleon mass in the framework of manifestly Lorentz-invariant chiral perturbation theory using infrared renormalization. It is shown that the renormalization can be performed while preserving all relevant symmetries, in particular chiral symmetry, and that renormalized diagrams respect the standard power counting rules. As an application we calculate the chiral expansion of the nucleon mass to order O(q^6).
Path integral quantization for massive vector bosons
A parity-conserving and Lorentz-invariant effective field theory of self-interacting massive vector fields is considered. For the interaction terms with dimensionless coupling constants the canonical quantization is performed. It is shown that the self-consistency condition of this system with the second-class constraints in combination with the perturbative renormalizability leads to an SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with an additional mass term.
Complex mass renormalization in EFT
We consider an effective field theory of unstable particles (resonances) using the complex-mass renormalization. As an application we calculate the masses and the widths of the $\rho$ meson and the Roper resonance.
The nucleon sigma terms with $N_f = 2 + 1$ O($a$)-improved Wilson fermions
We present a lattice-QCD based analysis of the nucleon sigma terms using gauge ensembles with $N_f = 2 + 1$ flavors of ${\cal O}(a)$-improved Wilson fermions, with a complete error budget concerning excited-state contaminations, chiral extrapolation as well as finite-size and lattice spacing effects. We compute the sigma terms determined directly from the matrix elements of the scalar currents. For the pion nucleon sigma term, we obtain $\sigma_{\pi N} = (43.6\pm3.8)$ MeV, where the error includes all systematics. The tension with extractions based on dispersion theory persists at the 3-$\sigma$ level. For the strange sigma term, we obtain a non-zero value, $\sigma_s=(27.1\pm9.8)$ MeV.
Definition of theΔmass and width
In the framework of effective field theory we show that, at two-loop order, the mass and width of the $\ensuremath{\Delta}$ resonance defined via the (relativistic) Breit-Wigner parametrization both depend on the choice of field variables. In contrast, the complex-valued position of the pole of the propagator is independent of this choice.
Isovector electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon from lattice QCD and the proton radius puzzle
Physical review / D 103(9), 094522 (2021). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.103.094522
Improving the ultraviolet behavior in baryon chiral perturbation theory
We introduce a new formulation of baryon chiral perturbation theory which improves the ultraviolet behavior of propagators and can be interpreted as a smooth cutoff regularization scheme. It is equivalent to the standard approach, preserves all symmetries and therefore satisfies the Ward identities. Our formulation is equally well defined in the vacuum, one- and few-nucleon sectors of the theory. The equations (Bethe-Salpeter, Lippmann-Schwinger, etc.) for the scattering amplitudes of the few-nucleon sector are free of divergences in the new approach. Unlike the usual cutoff regularization, our 'cutoffs' are parameters of the Lagrangian and do not have to be removed.
Nucleon electromagnetic form factors in two-flavor QCD
We present results for the nucleon electromagnetic form factors, including the momentum transfer dependence and derived quantities (charge radii and magnetic moment). The analysis is performed using O(a) improved Wilson fermions in Nf=2 QCD measured on the CLS ensembles. Particular focus is placed on a systematic evaluation of the influence of excited states in three-point correlation functions, which lead to a biased evaluation, if not accounted for correctly. We argue that the use of summed operator insertions and fit ans\"atze including excited states allow us to suppress and control this effect. We employ a novel method to perform joint chiral and continuum extrapolations, by fitting th…
Quantum electrodynamics for vector mesons
Quantum electrodynamics for $\rho$ mesons is considered. It is shown that, at tree level, the value of the gyromagnetic ratio of the $\rho^+$ is fixed to 2 in a self-consistent effective quantum field theory. Further, the mixing parameter of the photon and the neutral vector meson is equal to the ratio of electromagnetic and strong couplings, leading to the mass difference $M_{\rho^0}-M_{\rho^\pm}\sim 1 {\rm MeV}$ at tree order.
Derivation of spontaneously broken gauge symmetry from the consistency of effective field theory I: Massive vector bosons coupled to a scalar field
We revisit the problem of deriving local gauge invariance with spontaneous symmetry breaking in the context of an effective field theory. Previous derivations were based on the condition of tree-order unitarity. However, the modern point of view considers the Standard Model as the leading order approximation to an effective field theory. As tree-order unitarity is in any case violated by higher-order terms in an effective field theory, it is instructive to investigate a formalism which can be also applied to analyze higher-order interactions. In the current work we consider an effective field theory of massive vector bosons interacting with a massive scalar field. We impose the conditions o…
Isovector Axial Vector Form Factors of the Nucleon from Lattice QCD with Nf=2+1 O(a)-improved Wilson Fermions
We present the analysis of isovector axial vector nucleon form factors on a set of $N_f=2+1$ CLS ensembles with $\mathcal O(a)$-improved Wilson fermions and L\"uscher-Weisz gauge action. The set of ensembles covers a pion mass range of $130-353\,$MeV with lattice spacings between $0.05\,$fm and $0.09\,$fm. In particular, the set includes a $L/a=96$ ensemble at the physical pion mass. For the purpose of the form factor extraction, we employ both the summed operator insertion method (summation method) and explicit two-state fits in order to account for excited-state contributions to the nucleon correlation functions. To describe the $Q^{2}$-behavior of the form factors, we perform $z$-expansi…
Isovector Axial Form Factor of the Nucleon from Lattice QCD
The isovector axial form factor of the nucleon plays a key role in interpreting data from long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. We present a lattice QCD calculation of this form factor, introducing a new method to directly extract its z-expansion from lattice correlators. Our final parameterization of the form factor, which extends up to spacelike virtualities of 0.7 GeV^2 with fully quantified uncertainties, agrees with previous lattice calculations but is significantly less steep than neutrino-deuterium scattering data suggests.
Electromagnetic form factors and axial charge of the nucleon from Nf = 2 + 1 Wilson fermions
We present an update on our determination of the electromagnetic form factors and axial charge of the nucleon from theNf= 2 + 1 CLS ensembles with increased statistics and an additional finer lattice spacing. We also investigate the impact ofO(a)-improvement of the currents.
Derivation of spontaneously broken gauge symmetry from the consistency of effective field theory II: Scalar field self-interactions and the electromagnetic interaction
We extend our study of deriving the local gauge invariance with spontaneous symmetry breaking in the context of an effective field theory by considering self-interactions of the scalar field and inclusion of the electromagnetic interaction. By analyzing renormalizability and the scale separation conditions of three-, four- and five-point vertex functions of the scalar field, we fix the two couplings of the scalar field self-interactions of the leading order Lagrangian. Next we add the electromagnetic interaction and derive conditions relating the magnetic moment of the charged vector boson to its charge and the masses of the charged and neutral massive vector bosons to each other and the tw…
Complex-mass renormalization in chiral effective field theory
We consider a low-energy effective field theory of vector mesons and Goldstone bosons using the complex-mass renormalization. As an application we calculate the mass and the width of the $\rho$ meson.
The magnetic moment of the ρ-meson
The magnetic moment of the \rho-meson is calculated in the framework of a low-energy effective field theory of the strong interactions. We find that the complex-valued strong interaction corrections to the gyromagnetic ratio are small leading to a value close to the real leading tree level result, g_\rho = 2. This is in a reasonably good agreement with the available lattice QCD calculations for this quantity.
Universality of the rho-meson coupling in effective field theory
It is shown that both the universal coupling of the rho-meson and the Kawarabayashi-Suzuki-Riadzuddin-Fayyazuddin expression for the magnitude of its coupling constant follow from the requirement that chiral perturbation theory of pions, nucleons, and rho-mesons is a consistent effective field theory. The prerequisite of the derivation is that all ultraviolet divergences can be absorbed in the redefinition of fields and the available parameters of the most general effective Lagrangian.
Quark Contraction Tool -- QCT
We present a Mathematica package for the calculation of Wick contractions in quantum field theories - QCT. Furthermore the package aims at automatically generating code for the calculation of physical matrix elements, suitable for numerical evaluation in a C++ program. To that end commonly used algebraic manipulations for the calculation of matrix elements in lattice QCD are implemented.
The pion-nucleon sigma term with $N_f = 2 + 1$ O($a$)-improved Wilson fermions
Isovector Axial Vector Form Factors of the Nucleon from Lattice QCD with $N_{f}=2+1$ $\mathcal O(a)$-improved Wilson Fermions
We present the analysis of isovector axial vector nucleon form factors on a set of $N_f=2+1$ CLS ensembles with $\mathcal O(a)$-improved Wilson fermions and Lüscher-Weisz gauge action. The set of ensembles covers a pion mass range of $130-353\,$MeV with lattice spacings between $0.05\,$fm and $0.09\,$fm. In particular, the set includes a $L/a=96$ ensemble at the physical pion mass. For the purpose of the form factor extraction, we employ both the summed operator insertion method (summation method) and explicit two-state fits in order to account for excited-state contributions to the nucleon correlation functions. To describe the $Q^{2}$-behavior of the form factors, we perform $z$-expansion…