Stig Tenold

Sharing Mare Nostrum: An Analysis of Mediterranean Maritime History Articles in English-Language Journals.

This discussion paper is a follow-up to a previous bibliometric analysis of articles published in The International Journal of Maritime History and maritime-themed articles published in other economic and business history journals over the last 25 years. The paper looks more closely at articles dealing with the Mediterranean and articles written by scholars from the Mediterranean countries. The article is structured around five propositions about current trends in Mediterranean maritime history publishing in English-language journals.

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Creating Global Markets : Seaborne Trade in Pulp and Paper Products Over the Last 400 Years

The declining cost of sea transport has been a necessary condition for the growth of the global pulp and paper industry, especially in regions remote from economic centres. Thus, pulp and paper industries and international shipping have coevolved, especially since the 1960s, enabling producers to tap global markets and develop global production chains. The paper products trade flows, however, have changed a number of times over the last 400 years. This chapter describes and explains these developments and shows how the technological solutions in global shipping and strategic choices among the pulp and paper companies have been interdependent, especially since the 1960s. peerReviewed

research product

Sharing Mare Nostrum: An analysis of Mediterranean maritime history articles in English-language journals

This discussion paper is a follow-up to a previous bibliometric analysis of articles published in The International Journal of Maritime History and maritime-themed articles published in other economic and business history journals over the last 25 years. The paper looks more closely at articles dealing with the Mediterranean and articles written by scholars from the Mediterranean countries. The article is structured around five propositions about current trends in Mediterranean maritime history publishing in English-language journals. nonPeerReviewed

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Compartiendo Mare Nostrum: Un análisis de artículos en publicaciones académicas sobre la historia marítima del Mediterráneo

Este trabajo es una continuación de un anterior análisis bibliométrico de artículos publicados en The International Journal of Maritime History y de artículos de temática marinera publicados en otras revistas de historia económica y empresarial en los últimos 25 años. El trabajo examina más de cerca artículos que tratan sobre el Mediterráneo y artículos escritos por académicos de los países mediterráneos. Este artículo se estructura en torno a cinco proposiciones sobre las tendencias actuales en la publicación de la historia marítima del Mediterráneo en publicaciones académicas en lengua inglesa. nonPeerReviewed

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Maritime Trade and Merchant Shipping: The Shipping/Trade-Ratio from the 1870s Until Today.

This paper discusses the development of countries’ market shares in world shipping over the last 150 years. The analysis is based upon a new and purpose-built indicator: the shipping/trade-ratio. This indicator presents the relationship between the merchant marine of a country and the country’s role in world trade. Analysis of the shipping/trade-ratio identifies two important developments. First, although the share of the world fleet registered in Europe has dropped significantly, Europe’s role in world shipping over the last fifty years has been more stable than is commonly perceived. Second, there appears to have been an increasing specialisation in the world shipping industry, both among…

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How to Sail a Sinking Ship : Adapting to the Declining Competitiveness of the European Shipping Industry

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