Discovering the h→Zγ decay in tt¯ associated production
We explore the prospects to discover the $h \to Z \gamma$ decay in $t\bar t$-associated production, featuring a signal-to-background ratio of ${\cal O}(1)$. Performing a detailed analysis of the semi-leptonic $t \bar t $-decay channel, we demonstrate that the production mode could lead to a $\sim5\,\sigma$ discovery at the high-luminosity LHC, while the effective $h Z \gamma$ coupling could be extracted with a $\sim15\,\%$ accuracy. Extending the analysis to potential future $pp$ colliders with 27 TeV and 100 TeV center-of-mass energies, we also show that the latter would allow precision measurements at the few percent level, rendering possible precise extractions of the spin and CP propert…