N. S. Amelin
Monte Carlo model for nuclear collisions from SPS to LHC energies
A Monte Carlo model to simulate nuclear collisions in the energy range going from SPS to LHC, is presented. The model includes in its initial stage both soft and semihard components, which lead to the formation of color strings. Collectivity is taken into account considering the possibility of strings in color representations higher than triplet or antitriplet, by means of string fusion. String breaking leads to the production of secondaries. At this point, the model can be used as initial condition for further evolution by a transport model. In order to tune the parameters and see the results in nucleus-nucleus collisions, a naif model for rescattering of secondaries is introduced. Results…
Baryon and strangeness enhancement at SPS, RHIC and LHC energies in the String Fusion Model
Strangeness and baryon enhancement in heavy ion collisions are discussed in the framework of the String Fusion Model. The Monte Carlo version of this model is shown to reasonably reproduce three of the features that have been pointed out as evidences of the finding of the Quark Gluon Plasma. Namely hyperon/antihyperon enhancement, dependence of the slope of the $p_{T}$ distributions on the mass of the produced particles and on the centrality of the collision, are described. Predictions for RHIC and LHC energies are presented.