A Polygenic Risk Score for Hand Grip Strength Predicts Muscle Strength and Proximal and Distal Functional Outcomes among Older Women
Purpose Hand grip strength (HGS) is a widely used indicator of overall muscle strength and general health. We computed a polygenic risk score (PRS) for HGS, and examined, whether it predicted muscle strength, functional capacity and disability outcomes. Methods Genome-wide association study summary statistics for HGS from the Pan-UK Biobank was utilized. PRSs were calculated in the Finnish Twin Study on Aging (N = 429 women, 63–76 years). Strength tests included HGS, isometric knee extension, and ankle plantar flexion strength. Functional capacity was examined with the Timed Up and Go, six-minute and 10-meter walk tests, and dual-task tests. Disabilities in the basic (ADL) and instrumental …