Tuija Leena Viirret
Onko lukuteatteri tehokas tapa harjoitella lukemista? : pilottitutkimuksen tuloksia ReadDrama -hankkeesta
Draamakasvatuksen teillä : tutkimus TIE (Theatre In Education) -projektista
Draamakasvatus liminaalisena leikkikenttänä : TIE (Theatre-in-education) -genren teoreettinen viitekehys / Hannu Heikkinen. -- Hyväksynnän tiellä TIE-näytelmän dramaturginen analyysi : tekstejä itsensä hyväksymisen poluista / Kaarina Heikkinen. -- Taiteellis-pedagoginen vaikuttaminen : merkitystasot TIE-työpajassa / Tuija Leena Viirret. -- Katsojasta osallistujaksi : tunne- ja kokemustason työskentely TIE-työpajassa / Marianne Lukkarinen. -- Tila mielessä, mieli tilassa : näyttämökuva TIE-esityksessä / Susanna Paavonen. -- Ryhmäprosessin merkitys TIE-työskentelyssä : hyväksynnän tiellä -ryhmän kokemuksia esityksen valmistamisesta / Sanna Aho. -- Kertomus jokerista : jokerin tärkeä rooli TIE…
Dialogismi kehollisena, vastavuoroisena ja mielellisenä vuorovaikutuksena draamakasvatuksen konteksteissa
Lectio praecursoria kasvatustieteen väitöskirjaksi tarkoitetun tutkimuksen Dialogism as an Integral Element in Process Drama: Insights into a Drama Teacher’s Artistic-Pedagogical Expertise tarkastustilaisuudessa Jyväskylän yliopistossa 20.8.2020. Vastaväittäjänä toimi professori Eeva Anttila (Taideyliopisto) ja kustoksena professori Mirja Tarnanen (Jyväskylän yliopisto).
Shared experiencing, shared understandings: Intersubjectivity as a key phenomenon in drama education
This article is a philosophical reflection on intersubjectivity in the context of drama education; it draws on the concept’s most recent neuroscientific basis as well as the perspectives of Merleau-Ponty, Buber and Husserl. Its purpose is to deepen our understanding of the mechanisms of interaction in learning processes in drama education. In the stream of interaction in drama, the central conditions are shared experiencing and shared understandings. Intersubjectivity encompasses both of these. This study views intersubjectivity as an innate capacity and a real phenomenon – one that is a key phenomenon in the interactions of drama education. peerReviewed
Dialogicality in teaching process drama : three narratives, three frameworks
This case study explores dialogicality in teaching process drama through the narratives and practices of three experienced drama teachers of the Open University. Dialogue is understood here in the context of ‘I-Thou’ attitude and as the phenomenon of heteroglossia. The analyses of the videotaped reflective interviews with the teachers and process dramas revealed a polyphonic picture of dialogicality in the teaching process, in which juxtapositions of communion and alterity are favoured. These findings may help drama teachers to become more conscious about the challenges and possibilities of generating a fluid and energised dialogicality in process drama. peerReviewed
Face-work in teacher-in-role: Acting at the interface between artistry and pedagogy
The teacher-in-role (TIR) strategy is used in process drama to strengthen the dramatic experience and promote learning among the participants. In this study, one TIR construct is examined through the lens of Erving Goffman’s concept of facework in order to deepen the understanding of the subtle and vulnerable processes of interaction in process drama. TIR is considered to be an interactive construct in which both artistry and pedagogy are embodied. Face-work is applied in the fictive context of process drama to uncover the interactional potential for learning and creating drama. In addition, the teacher’s reflections on his or her actions as they relate to face-work in process drama are exp…
Drama in Education for Sustainability: Becoming Connected through Embodiment
In this article, we argue that drama can serve as an interconnecting method for climate change education. In this study, we elaborate the practice of drama and participation experiences through three drama workshops: 1) process drama work on the global, social, and individual aspects of climate change, 2) outdoor drama practice on relations to nature, and 3) reflections through drama practice. The human dimension of the sustainability issues, conditions of interdependence, and collaboration were explored and manifested through the drama practices, which created frames for embodied, creative and cognitive dialogues between people with different perspectives. Being differently-as experienced …