Sirkku Lähdesmäki
Ilmiölähtöisen oppimiskokonaisuuden suunnittelutaito opettajaopiskelijan geneeriseksi ammattitaidoksi ILO-suunnittelumallin avulla
Lectio praecursoria kasvatustieteen väitöskirjaan Ilmiölähtöisen oppimiskokonaisuuden suunnitteluun ohjaavan mallin kehittäminen ILO-suunnitteluprosessin malliksi opettajaopiskelijoiden opetusharjoittelussa, Jyväskylän yliopistossa 19.3.2021. nonPeerReviewed
Play is the Base! ECEC Leaders’ Views on the Development of Digital Pedagogy
The development of digital pedagogy in early childhood education and care (ECEC) is a relevant issue. The role of the ECEC leader in initiating and leading the development of digital pedagogy is important. The aim of this study was to explore the views of ECEC leaders on digital pedagogy and its development, as little research has been done on the subject. The data was collected in the context of continuing professional development for ECEC leaders in Finland. The data consists of 39 development plans that were drawn up by the participants and it was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The research indicates that ECEC leaders hold diverse perspectives on digital pedagogy but acknow…
Bridging authentic learning task into technology supported transformative pedagogy in Finnish teacher training
The goal of the Finnish teacher training is to educate autonomous teachers, who have pedagogical competence and theoretical understanding about using ICT in teaching and learning. In this study, we describe teacher students’ pedagogical ICT competence as designers of technology supported learning tasks. The study is based on Hughes’ RAT model, which is a framework for assessing technology integration. The theoretical definition of RAT model is technology as a) replacement, b) amplification or c) transformation. To define this there are three systematical dimensions to analyze a particular technology use: Instructional Methods, Student learning processes and Curriculum Goals. The data consis…
Meaningful Learning Experiences in the Finnish Teacher Education
During the last few years the change of the school and how the school should change in the first place to meet the challenges of the future have been discussed a great deal. The talk has begun of the cross-disciplinary competences, referred to also as transversal (generic) competences in the curriculum, and of developing teaching towards the integrated modules called multidisciplinary learning modules in the reformed curriculum of the basic education. The multidisciplinary learning modules promote the reaching of the objectives set for the basic education and in particular, the development of the cross-disciplinary competences.This research was carried out in a Finnish class teachers' adult…
Adapting to Teaching in the 21st Century: Helping Teachers to Understand the Pedagogical Content in using Tablets as Learning Tools
The world of knowledge and communication has changed after smart phones and tablets became tools available for everybody. Children are already online on their free time, but at school devices such as smart phones and tablets are not in everyday learning use. In today’s visions of the future school are strongly concentrated on the learning environments and learning methods that emphasizes the role of ICT. The visions are already here and it is possible to bring the future way of learning in to everyday schooling but the focus is on teachers ICT skills and knowledge. Teachers are in a key role in changing the way pupils learn. It is crucial to educate teachers to become experts in ICT-skills …
Cooperative learning, grouping, flexibility in communication and transformational ways of learning play a very important role in today's learning environments. Future teachers need strong experience in grouping and in the mechanisms that lie beyond the ways people form groups. It is essential to make teacher students familiar with the methods of how to positively influence the atmosphere where pupils are forming groups, communicating and cooperating. Drama education has unique and very effective methods for successful grouping. This study reflects the meanings teacher students give on drama course practices influencing their experiences on grouping. The study was executed in Finland at the …
Student Teachers' Perceptions of the Connection between Literacy, Equality and Digitalization
Digitalization has many implications for the development of equality in societies and is also reflected in education. In a digitalized world, literacy is an essential skill for both individual and societal development. This study explores Finnish student teachers' perceptions of the connection between literacy, equality, and digitalization. The research material consists of professional opinion pieces written by student teachers (N=37). The qualitative study examined student teachers' perceptions of literacy, equality, and digitalization. Student teachers' perceptions concerned pupils' polarizing backgrounds for learning, literacy instruction and the challenge of differentiating classes, de…