Mika Vuori
Juuresta suurpuuhun : Jyväskylän puutyöläisten ammattiyhdistystoiminta vuosina 1899-1999
Myytti terveyttä edistävästä urheiluseurasta? : urheiluseuran jäsenyyden ja liikunta-aktiivisuuden yhteys 15-vuotiaiden koululaisten ruokatottumuksiin, tupakointiin ja alkoholin käyttöön vuosina 1986-1998
Is physical activity associated with low-risk health behaviours among 15-year-old adolescents in Finland?
Aims: To investigate the associations between physical activity and the pattern of risk health behaviour consisting of smoking, alcohol consumption, snuff (snus), cannabis, and condom use among 15-year-old adolescents, taking their educational aspirations and family affluence into account. Methods: The data were collected in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study in Finland in 2006. Standardised questionnaires were issued at schools to a 15-year-old nationally representative sample, of which 84.5% (1710 pupils) participated. Logistic regression analysis was used to explore the associations between physical activity, pattern of risk health behaviour, family affluence, and…