G Perconti

Statistical Validation of a Comprehensive Gene/miRNA Expression Profile Dataset for miRNA:mRNA Interaction Analysis

research product

Myc Promoter-Binding Protein-1 (MBP-1) transcriptionally represses ERBB2 gene, and identifies new subtypes of ERBB2 negative breast tumors

research product

Statistical validation of a comprehensive gene/miRNA expression profile dataset for miRNA:mRNA interctome analysis

research product

Nuclear Myc Promoter-Binding Protein-1 (MBP-1) Expression Is a Prognostic Factor in Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma

research product

Cellular stress positively regulates the expression of Myc promoter-Binding Protein-1 (MBP-1).

research product

Dal trascrittoma all’interattoma di miRNA: identificazione sperimentale e bioinformatica delle interazioni funzionali miRNA:mRNA

I miRNA, piccole molecole endogene di RNA non codificante, regolano l’espressione genica attraverso la degradazione dei messaggeri (mRNA) o l’inibizione della traduzione. I miRNA maturi interagiscono con le proteine del complesso RISC (RNA-induced silencing complex) tra cui le proteine Argonaute (Ago), capaci di legare direttamente i miRNA e di mediare la regolazione dell’espressione genica in seguito alla interazione del miRNA con il proprio mRNA target. Un singolo miRNA può legare diversi mRNA e ciascun mRNA può essere regolato da diversi miRNA. La maggior parte dei software di predizione oggi disponibili individuano i putativi target di singoli miRNA ignorando caratteristiche di tipo glo…

research product

Nuclear myc promoter-binding protein-1 (MBP-1) expression is a prognostic factor in invasive ductal breast carcinoma

Insulators are DNA elements that block the extension of a condensed chromatin domain into a transcriptionally active region or prevent the interaction of a distal enhancer with a promoter when placed between the two. Human c-Myc and Pvt-1 genes map close each other and are separated by an intergenic region rich of DNAseI hypersensitivity sites. Starting from the observation that PVT1 expression is restricted to a low number of normal tissues compared to the wide distribution of c-Myc mRNA we focus our studies on the function and structure of the regions surrounding the DHs present between the two genes. Stable and transient transfection, indicate that one of the regions (HB-2.8) has enhance…

research product