Etienne Brulebois
Impacts of climate change on water availability in Burgundy : quantitative and qualitative aspects
Numerous studies dealing with climate change impacts on water ressources have been done at global scale, but the moderated size watersheds scale is less studied. The Burgundy region is located over several hydrographical basins (Seine, Loire and Rhône river), and provides a great diversity of hydrogeological and climate contexts. For these reasons, impacts of climate change on water resources are expected to be very different in space, and require an entire hydroclimatic modelling chain at local scale to be assessed. The main objective of this thesis consisted of the implementation of a modelling tool at the moderated-size watersheds scale of Burgundy. In this way, several watersheds and tw…
Evolution du bilan hydrique à l'échelle de bassins versants en contexte de changement climatique - Mise place d’une méthodologie.
6 pages; International audience
Modalités et robustesse de la régionalisation du climat de la Bourgogne Franche-Comté
Cette note rend compte d’une partie des travaux initiés par le Centre de Recherches de Climatologie (CRC) dans le cadre du projet PSDR/PROSYS (tache 1.2 Prospective changement climatique). Ces travaux ont été réalisés grâce au support des 6 mois de CDD d’ingénieur d’étude financés par le projet Prosys dont a bénéficié Etienne Brulebois. Nous présentons succinctement ici :1. le protocole de régionalisation et d’évaluation des simulations climatiques ;2. les résultats des simulations des températures hivernales et des précipitations pourla période 1980–2014 ;3. la capacité des températures simulées à mimer l’évolution du stress froid du poisd’hiver observée suite au réchauffement de 1987/1988…
Hydrologie, Changement Climatique, Adaptation, Ressource en Eau en Bourgogne : rapport final du projet HYCCARE Bourgogne
HYCCARE Bourgogne est un projet de recherche-action dont l’objectif est de mettre à disposition des décideurs locaux des outils qui leur permettront de mieux prendre en compte le risque lié aux impacts du changement climatique sur la ressource en eau.
Hydrological response to an abrupt shift in surface air temperature over France in 1987/88.
10 pages; International audience; During the last few decades, Europe has seen a faster increase of observed temperature than that simulated by models. The air temperature over Western Europe showed an abrupt shift at the end of the 1980s, still insufficiently documented. The aim of this study is to assess the characteristics of this shift and its potential impacts on the hydrological cycle over France. Such an assessment is essential for a better understanding of past and future climatic changes and their impact on water resources.A subset of 119 temperature, 122 rainfall, and 30 hydrometric stations was studied, over the entire French metropolitan territory. Several change-point detection…
Potientalities of a hydroclimatic modelling chain at the basin scale of Burgundy.
Sensitivity of water quality of three contrasted north-eastern French watersheds to climate change (2006-2100) using SWAT model
International audience; The SWAT model has been chosen to assess climate change impacts on water quality of three subbassins ofnorth-eastern France: located on headwaters of three major rivers of France (Loire, Seine and Rhône riversrespectively). These watersheds have a size less than 3000km² and present different hydrogeological andgeological characteristics. Land-use as well as their agricultural practices being also diversified, the threewatersheds studied constitute a relevant experimentation area. The goal of this study is to assess local vulnerability of surface water quality (sediments, nutrients,dissolved oxygen loads) to climate change (2006-2100) following the Representative Conc…