Aurélien Rossi
Evolution du bilan hydrique à l'échelle de bassins versants en contexte de changement climatique - Mise place d’une méthodologie.
6 pages; International audience
Potientalities of a hydroclimatic modelling chain at the basin scale of Burgundy.
Évolution des températures observées en Bourgogne (1961-2011)
International audience; Depuis un demi-siècle environ, l’augmentation des concentrations atmosphériques en gaz à effet de serre a entraîné une élévation de température qui peut être analysée selon des échelles emboîtées, allant de la planète aux territoires. Dans cette étude, les mesures effectuées sur le réseau de stations Météo-France sont mobilisées pour analyser la température en Bourgogne sur la période 1961-2011. Le réchauffement observé a des caractéristiques très proches des moyennes françaises. Il est plus fort que sur la moyenne planétaire. Il est marqué par une rupture nette délimitant deux périodes bien différentes : 1961-1987 et 1988-2011. Une interpolation par régression krige…
Sensitivity of water quality of three contrasted north-eastern French watersheds to climate change (2006-2100) using SWAT model
International audience; The SWAT model has been chosen to assess climate change impacts on water quality of three subbassins ofnorth-eastern France: located on headwaters of three major rivers of France (Loire, Seine and Rhône riversrespectively). These watersheds have a size less than 3000km² and present different hydrogeological andgeological characteristics. Land-use as well as their agricultural practices being also diversified, the threewatersheds studied constitute a relevant experimentation area. The goal of this study is to assess local vulnerability of surface water quality (sediments, nutrients,dissolved oxygen loads) to climate change (2006-2100) following the Representative Conc…
Bias correction of dynamically downscaled precipitation to compute soil water deficit for explaining year-to-year variation of tree growth over northeastern France.
This paper documents the accuracy of a post-correction method applied to precipitation regionalized by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Regional Climate Model (RCM) for improving simulated rainfall and feeding impact studies. The WRF simulation covers Burgundy (northeastern France) at a 8-km resolution and over a 20-year long period (1989–2008). Previous results show a strong deficiency of the WRF model for simulating precipitation, especially when convective processes are involved. In order to reduce such biases, a Quantile Mapping (QM) method is applied to WRF-simulated precipitation using the mesoscale atmospheric analyses system SAFRAN («Système d'Analyse Fournissant des Rense…