Francesco D. Asaro
Naturalistic Hydroseeding
The applications usually want to restore an adequate level of vegetation cover, to contrast effectively erosion and slope instability, however, often neglecting the naturalistic appearance. Really we should combine the technical aspect with the naturalistic, aiming to eliminate non-native species from vegetation context and to guide the choice of usable herbaceous species. The study, carried out in a dump of a southern Italian town (Termini Imerese - Sicily), provided for the reconstitution of plant cover of 7.4 hectares through hydroseeding applied directly on the soil of the final covering, with waste often exposed. The aim of this study was the use of alternative hydroseeding with the us…
Processi di infiltrazione in un mezzo altamente poroso: misure sperimentali e impiego di un modello semplificato a base fisica
Nel lavoro viene applicato un modello semplificato del processo di infiltrazio-ne, recentemente introdotto, valido per ammassi porosi altamente permeabili, in cui il gradiente di potenziale matriciale può essere assunto trascurabile rispetto a quello gravitazionale. Lo schema descritto si presta per interpretare il processo di infiltrazione che si attua nei residui di Posidonia oceanica (Linneo) Delile, accumulata nei siti di stoccaggio, per l’abbattimento della salinità a mezzo di dilavamento na-turale. Nel lavoro, vengono presentati i primi risultati ottenuti dal monitoraggio di alcune caratteristiche fisiche di interesse dei residui di P. oceanica, per il processo in esame e, in particol…
Metodo per la realizzazione di un’opera costruttiva modulare per la protezione del territorio e detta opera
The patent consists of an advanced technique for the modular elements construction, made with organic waste materials. These elements are used for land protection within the Soil and Water Bioengineering works. The linear work with anti-erosion function, consolidating and stabilizing of slopes, consists of modules (Roll Modular Fascine, RFM) made with the residues of vine pruning and with the residues of a marine plant, Posidonia oceanica beached. The work is made with waste materials. The material to make the module consists of vine prunings, collected with specialized agricultural machines. The fascines have a diameter of 40 cm and a length of 60 cm. Their density can be varied by acting …
Organic waste materials for Bioengineering works
Bioengineering uses plant and biodegradable materials of natural origin, stones, steel, additives and synthetic products in various combinations and as support for the growth of plants. The lack of available resources and progressive increasing of desertification in Sicily, led to the search for alternative materials. Objective of the work is testing organic waste materials for the realization of bioengineering works in the several areas of application: terrestrial, fluvial and coastline. To this aim, is proposed the use of innovative techniques that involve the construction of low-cost brushwood, environmentally friendly materials made: the pruning of vines and the oceanic Posidonia oceani…