Mauro Papinutto
An exploratory lattice study of Delta I=3/2 K ->pi pi decays at next-to-leading order in the chiral expansion
We present the first direct evaluation of Delta I = 3/2K -> pi pi matrix elements with the aim of determining all the low-energy constants at NLO in the chiral expansion. Our numerical investigation demonstrates that it is indeed possible to determine the K -> pi pi matrix elements directly for the masses and momenta used in the simulation with good precision. In this range however, we find that the matrix elements do not satisfy the predictions of NLO chiral perturbation theory. For the chiral extrapolation we therefore use a hybrid procedure which combines the observed polynomial behavior in masses and momenta of our lattice results, with NLO chiral perturbation theory at lower masses. In…
BK-parameter fromNf=2twisted mass lattice QCD
We present an unquenched Nf=2 lattice computation of the B K parameter which controls K0-K0 oscillations. A partially quenched setup is employed with two maximally twisted dynamical (sea) light Wi ...
Matrix elements of Delta I=3/2 K ->pi pi decays
We present a numerical computation of matrix elements of DeltaI = 3/2 K --> pipi decays by using Wilson fermions. In order to extrapolate to the physical point we work at unphysical kinematics and we resort to Chiral Perturbation Theory at the next-to-leading order. In particular we explain the case of the electroweak penguins O-7,O-8 which can contribute significantly in the theoretical prediction of epsilon'/epsilon. The study is done at beta = 6.0 on a 24(3) x 64 lattice.
Kaon weak matrix elements with Wilson fermions
We present results of several numerical studies with Wilson fermions relevant for kaon physics. We compute the B_K parameter by using two different methods and extrapolate to the continuum limit. Our preliminary result is B_K(2 GeV)=0.66(7). Delta I=3/2 K->pi pi matrix elements are obtained by using the next-to-leading order expressions derived in chiral perturbation theory in which the low energy constants are determined by the lattice results computed at unphysical kinematics. From the simulation at beta=6.0 our (preliminary) results read: _{I=2}=0.14(1)(1) GeV^3 and _{I=2}=0.69(6)(6) GeV^3.
An exploratory lattice study of decays at next-to-leading order in the chiral expansion
Abstract We present the first direct evaluation of Δ I = 3 / 2 K → π π matrix elements with the aim of determining all the low-energy constants at NLO in the chiral expansion. Our numerical investigation demonstrates that it is indeed possible to determine the K → π π matrix elements directly for the masses and momenta used in the simulation with good precision. In this range however, we find that the matrix elements do not satisfy the predictions of NLO chiral perturbation theory. For the chiral extrapolation we therefore use a hybrid procedure which combines the observed polynomial behavior in masses and momenta of our lattice results, with NLO chiral perturbation theory at lower masses. …
Nonperturbative renormalization constants and light quark masses
We present the results of an extensive non-perturbative calculation of the renormalization constants of bilinear quark operators for the non-perturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson action. The results are obtained at four values of the lattice coupling, by using the RI/MOM and the Ward identities methods. A new non-perturbative renormalization technique, which is based on the study of the lattice correlation functions at short distance in x-space, is also numerically investigated. We then use our non-perturbative determination of the quark mass renormalization constants to compute the values of the strange and the average up/down quark masses. After performing an extrapolation to the continuum …
K-0-(K)over-bar(0) mixing with Wilson fermions without subtractions
By using suitable Ward identities, we show that it is possible to compute K-0-(K) over bar(0) mixing without subtracting the terms generated by explicit chiral symmetry breaking present in Wilson-like lattice actions. The accuracy in the determination of the amplitudes is of O(a), which is the best one attainable in the absence of improvement.
Renormalization Constants of Quark Operators for the Non-Perturbatively Improved Wilson Action
We present the results of an extensive lattice calculation of the renormalization constants of bilinear and four-quark operators for the non-perturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson action. The results are obtained in the quenched approximation at four values of the lattice coupling by using the non-perturbative RI/MOM renormalization method. Several sources of systematic uncertainties, including discretization errors and final volume effects, are examined. The contribution of the Goldstone pole, which in some cases may affect the extrapolation of the renormalization constants to the chiral limit, is non-perturbatively subtracted. The scale independent renormalization constants of bilinear quark…
Non-perturbative renormalization of static-light four-fermion operators in quenched lattice QCD
We perform a non-perturbative study of the scale-dependent renormalization factors of a multiplicatively renormalizable basis of $\Delta{B}=2$ parity-odd four-fermion operators in quenched lattice QCD. Heavy quarks are treated in the static approximation with various lattice discretizations of the static action. Light quarks are described by non-perturbatively ${\rm O}(a)$ improved Wilson-type fermions. The renormalization group running is computed for a family of Schroedinger functional (SF) schemes through finite volume techniques in the continuum limit. We compute non-perturbatively the relation between the renormalization group invariant operators and their counterparts renormalized in …
B(d) - anti-B(d) mixing and the B(d) ---> J / psi K(s) asymmetry in general SUSY models
We present a next-to-leading order determination of the gluino-mediated SUSY contributions to B-d-(B) over bard mixing and to the CP asymmetry a(J)/psiK(s) in the framework of the mass-insertion approximation. Using hadronic matrix elements recently computed on the lattice, we obtain improved constraints on the squark-mass splittings.