Katrin Weber
Dental microwear texture analysis on extant and extinct sharks : Ante- or post-mortem tooth wear?
Sharks are apex-predators that play an important role in past and present aquatic food webs. However, their diet - especially in extinct species - is often not well constrained. Dental microwear texture analysis (DMTA) has been successfully applied to reconstruct diet and feeding behaviours of different aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates. However, unlike in mammals, food-to-tooth contact in sharks is rather limited because only larger prey is manipulated before swallowing. Together with a fast tooth replacement rate, this reduces wear on individual teeth. Here, we present an explorative study of dental microwear texture on extant and extinct sharks to test whether ante-mortem wear is relat…
The good, the bad and the ugly – A visual guide for common post-mortem wear patterns in vertebrate teeth
Abstract Dental microwear texture analysis (DMTA) is a common wear proxy using dental wear features to reconstruct diet in extant and extinct taxa. Dietary reconstructions of extinct species can be biased due to post-mortem mechanical modification of the dental surface. These post-mortem surface alterations can be caused by material loss after death, or as the result of burial, excavation, or preparation processes. In this study, we explore post-mortem surface alterations that occur during excavation, preparation, and conservation processes. We present a first general overview of unsuitable and suspicious dental surface scans and describe them both qualitatively and quantitatively using den…
Shape, size, and quantity of ingested external abrasives influence dental microwear texture formation in guinea pigs
Food processing wears down teeth, thus affecting tooth functionality and evolutionary success. Other than intrinsic silica phytoliths, extrinsic mineral dust/grit adhering to plants causes tooth wear in mammalian herbivores. Dental microwear texture analysis (DMTA) is widely applied to infer diet from microscopic dental wear traces. The relationship between external abrasives and dental microwear texture (DMT) formation remains elusive. Feeding experiments with sheep have shown negligible effects of dust-laden grass and browse, suggesting that intrinsic properties of plants are more important. Here, we explore the effect of clay- to sand-sized mineral abrasives (quartz, volcanic ash, loess,…
Diagenetic stability of non-traditional stable isotope systems (Ca, Sr, Mg, Zn) in teeth – An in-vitro alteration experiment of biogenic apatite in isotopically enriched tracer solution
Stable isotope ratios and trace element concentrations of fossil bones and teeth are important geochemical proxies for the reconstruction of diet and past environment in archaeology and palaeontology. However, since diagenesis can significantly alter primary diet-related isotope signatures and elemental compositions, it is important to understand and quantify alteration processes. Here, we present the results of in-vitro alteration experiments of dental tissues from a modern African elephant molar reacted in aqueous solutions at 30 °C and 90 °C for 4 to 63 days. Dental cubes with ≈ 3 mm edge length, comprising both enamel and dentin, were placed into 2 mL of acidic aqueous sol…
Post-mortem enamel surface texture alteration during taphonomic processes—do experimental approaches reflect natural phenomena?
Experimental approaches are often used to better understand the mechanisms behindand consequences of post-mortem alteration on proxies for diet reconstruction.Dental microwear texture analysis (DMTA) is such a dietary proxy, using dental wearfeatures in extant and extinct taxa to reconstruct feeding behaviour and mechanicalfood properties. In fossil specimens especially, DMTA can be biased by post-mortemalteration caused by mechanical or chemical alteration of the enamel surface. Herewe performed three different dental surface alteration experiments to assess the effectof common taphonomic processes by simplifying them: (1) tumbling in sedimentsuspension to simulate fluvial transport, (2) s…
Strontium Uptake and Intra-Population 87Sr/86Sr Variability of Bones and Teeth—Controlled Feeding Experiments With Rodents (Rattus norvegicus, Cavia porcellus)
Strontium isotopes in biogenic apatite, especially enamel, are widely employed to determine provenance and track migration in palaeontology and archaeology. Body tissues record the 87Sr/86Sr of bioavailable Sr of ingested food and water. To identify non-local individuals, knowledge of the 87Sr/86Sr of a non-migratory population is required. However, varying factors such as tissue turnover rates, feeding selectivity, Sr content, digestibility of food, and the ingestion of mineral dust can influence body tissue 87Sr/86Sr. To evaluate the Sr contribution of diet and water to mammalian hard tissues 87Sr/86Sr, controlled feeding studies are necessary. Here we present 87Sr/86Sr from controlled fe…