Processing of tetanus and botulinum A neurotoxins in isolated chromaffin cells.
Tetanus and botulinum A neurotoxins were introduced into the cytosol of chromaffin cells by means of an electric field in which the plasma membrane is forced to form pores of approximately 1 micron at the sites facing the electrodes. As demonstrated by electron microscopy, both [125I] and gold-labelled tetanus toxin (TeTx) diffuse through these transient openings. Dichain-TeTx, with its light chain linked to the heavy chain by means of a disulfide bond, causes the block of exocytosis to develop more slowly than does the purified light chain. The disulfide bonds, which in both toxins hold the subunits together, were cleaved by the intrinsic thioredoxin-reductase system. Single chain TeTx, in…