Roberto Perrino
Search for contact interactions and large extra dimensions in dilepton events fromppcollisions ats=7 TeVwith the ATLAS detector
A search for nonresonant new phenomena, originating from either contact interactions or large extra spatial dimensions, has been carried out using events with two isolated electrons or muons. These events, produced at the LHC in proton-proton collisions at root s = 7 TeV, were recorded by the ATLAS detector. The data sample, collected throughout 2011, corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 4.9 and 5.0 fb(-1) in the e(+)e(-) and mu(+)mu(-) channels, respectively. No significant deviations from the Standard Model expectation are observed. Using a Bayesian approach, 95% confidence level lower limits ranging from 9.0 to 13.9 TeV are placed on the energy scale of llqq contact interactions in…
Measurement of charged-particle event shape variables in inclusive(s)=7 TeVproton-proton interactions with the ATLAS detector
The measurement of charged-particle event shape variables is presented in inclusive inelastic pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The observables studied are the transverse thrust, thrust minor, and transverse sphericity, each defined using the final-state charged particles' momentum components perpendicular to the beam direction. Events with at least six charged particles are selected by a minimum-bias trigger. In addition to the differential distributions, the evolution of each event shape variable as a function of the leading charged-particle transverse momentum, charged-particle multiplicity, and summed transverse momentum is presented.…
Virtual Compton scattering and the generalized polarizabilities of the proton atQ2=0.92and 1.76 GeV2
Virtual Compton Scattering (VCS) on the proton has been studied at Jefferson Lab using the exclusive photon electroproduction reaction (e p --> e p gamma). This paper gives a detailed account of the analysis which has led to the determination of the structure functions P{sub LL}-P{sub TT}/epsilon and P{sub LT}, and the electric and magnetic generalized polarizabilities (GPs) alpha{sub E}(Q{sup 2}) and beta{sub M}(Q{sup 2}) at values of the four-momentum transfer squared Q{sup 2} = 0.92 and 1.76 GeV{sup 2}. These data, together with the results of VCS experiments at lower momenta, help building a coherent picture of the electric and magnetic GPs of the proton over the full measured Q{sup 2}-…
Measurement of the cross section of high transverse momentumZ→bb¯production in proton–proton collisions ats=8 TeVwith the ATLAS detector
This Letter reports the observation of a high transverse momentum Z -> b (b) over bar signal in proton-proton collisions at root s = 8TeVand the measurement of its production cross section. The data analysed were collected in 2012 with the ATLAS detector at the LHC and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 19.5 fb(-1). The Z -> b (b) over bar decay is reconstructed from a pair of b-tagged jets, clustered with the anti- k(t) jet algorithm with R = 0.4, that have low angular separation and form a dijet with p(T) > 200 GeV. The signal yield is extracted from a fit to the dijet invariant mass distribution, with the dominant, multi-jet background mass shape estimated by employing a fully dat…
Measurements of the pseudorapidity dependence of the total transverse energy in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with ATLAS
This paper describes measurements of the sum of the transverse energy of particles as a function of particle pseudorapidity, η, in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy, √s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The measurements are performed in the region |η| < 4.8 for two event classes: those requiring the presence of particles with a low transverse momentum and those requiring particles with a significant transverse momentum. In the second dataset measurements are made in the region transverse to the hard scatter. The distributions are compared to the predictions of various Monte Carlo event generators, which generally tend to underestimate the amoun…
Search for an excess of events with an identical flavour lepton pair and significant missing transverse momentum in root s=7 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector
Results are presented of a search for supersymmetric particles decaying into final states with significant missing transverse momentum and exactly two identical flavour leptons (e or mu) of opposite charge in sqrt{s}=7 TeV collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. This channel is particularly sensitive to supersymmetric particle cascade decays producing flavour correlated lepton pairs. Flavour uncorrelated backgrounds are subtracted using a sample of opposite flavour lepton pair events. Observation of an excess beyond Standard Model expectations following this subtraction procedure would offer one of the best routes to measuring the masses of supersymmetric particles. In a data sample corres…
Measurements ofWγandZγproduction inppcollisions ats=7 TeVwith the ATLAS detector at the LHC
The integrated and differential fiducial cross sections for the production of a W or Z boson in association with a high-energy photon are measured using pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV. The analyse ...
Measurement of hard double-parton interactions inW(???) + 2-jet events at $\sqrt{s}\,=7$ TeV with the ATLAS detector
The production of W bosons in association with two jets in proton–proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of √s=7 TeV has been analysed for the presence of double-parton interactions using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36 pb[superscript −1], collected with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The fraction of events arising from double-parton interactions, f[superscript (D) over subscript DP], has been measured through the p[subscript T] balance between the two jets and amounts to f[superscript (D) over subscript DP] = 0.08 ± 0.01 (stat.) ± 0.02 (sys.) for jets with transverse momentum p[subscript T] > 20 GeV and rapidity |y| < 2.8. This corresponds to a …
Search for displaced muonic lepton jets from light Higgs boson decay in proton–proton collisions at s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector
A search is performed for collimated muon pairs displaced from the primary vertex produced in the decay of long-lived neutral particles in proton-proton collisions at root s = 7 TeV centre-of-mass ...
Backward electroproduction ofπ0mesons on protons in the region of nucleon resonances at four momentum transfer squaredQ2=1.0GeV2
Exclusive electroproduction of pi{sup 0} mesons on protons in the backward hemisphere has been studied at Q2 = 1.0 GeV2 by detecting protons in the forward direction in coincidence with scattered electrons from the 4 GeV electron beam in Jefferson Lab's Hall A. The data span the range of the total (gamma*p) center-of-mass energy W from the pion production threshold to W = 2.0 GeV. The differential cross sections sigma{sub T} + epsilon sigma{sub L}, sigma{sub TL}, and sigma{sub TT} were separated from the azimuthal distribution and are presented together with the MAID and SAID parameterizations.
Search for high-mass resonances decaying to dilepton final states in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector
The ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider is used to search for high-mass resonances decaying to an electron-positron pair or a muon-antimuon pair. The search is sensitive to heavy neutral Z′ gauge bosons, Randall-Sundrum gravitons, Z [superscript *] bosons, techni-mesons, Kaluza-Klein Z/γ bosons, and bosons predicted by Torsion models. Results are presented based on an analysis of pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.9 fb[superscript −1] in the e [superscript +] e [superscript −] channel and 5.0 fb[superscript −1] in the μ [superscript +] μ [superscript −] channel. A Z [superscript ′] boson with Standard Model-like couplings…
Virtual Compton Scattering and Neutral Pion Electroproduction in the Resonance Region up to the Deep Inelastic Region at Backward Angles
We have made the first measurements of the virtual Compton scattering (VCS) process via the H$(e,e'p)\gamma$ exclusive reaction in the nucleon resonance region, at backward angles. Results are presented for the $W$-dependence at fixed $Q^2=1$ GeV$^2$, and for the $Q^2$-dependence at fixed $W$ near 1.5 GeV. The VCS data show resonant structures in the first and second resonance regions. The observed $Q^2$-dependence is smooth. The measured ratio of H$(e,e'p)\gamma$ to H$(e,e'p)\pi^0$ cross sections emphasizes the different sensitivity of these two reactions to the various nucleon resonances. Finally, when compared to Real Compton Scattering (RCS) at high energy and large angles, our VCS data…
The ATLAS level-1 trigger: Status of the system and experience from commissioning with cosmic ray muons
The detector at CERN's large hadron collider (LHC) was exposed to proton-proton collisions from beams crossing at 40 MHz. A three-level trigger system will select potentially interesting events in order to reduce this rate to 100- 200 Hz. A trigger decision is made by the Level-1 central trigger processor (CTP) reducing the incoming rate to less than 100 kHz. The Level-1 decision is based on calorimeter information and hits in dedicated muon trigger detectors. The final Level-1 trigger system is currently being installed in the experiment with completion expected in autumn 2007. Cosmic ray data are regularly recorded as an increasing fraction of the trigger system comes online. We present a…
Simultaneous measurements of thett¯,W+W−, andZ/γ*→ττproduction cross-sections inppcollisions ats=7 TeVwith the ATLAS detector
Simultaneous measurements of the t (t) over bar, W+W-, and Z/gamma* -> tau tau production cross-sections using an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb(-1) of pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV collected ...
Measurement of $ZZ$ production in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV and limits on anomalous $ZZZ$ and $ZZ\gamma$ couplings with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics 2013.3 (2013): 128 reproduced by permission of Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA)
Inclusive search for same-sign dilepton signatures in pp collisions at $ sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV with the ATLAS detector
An inclusive search is presented for new physics in events with two isolated leptons (e or mu) having the same electric charge. The data are selected from events collected from p p collisions at root s = 7 TeV by the ATLAS detector and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 34 pb(-1). The spectra in dilepton invariant mass, missing transverse momentum and jet multiplicity are presented and compared to Standard Model predictions. In this event sample, no evidence is found for contributions beyond those of the Standard Model. Limits are set on the cross-section in a fiducial region for new sources of same-sign high-mass dilepton events in the ee, e mu and mu mu channels. Four models predic…
Search for TeV-scale gravity signatures in final states with leptons and jets with the ATLAS detector at s=7 TeV
A search for physics beyond the Standard Model, in final states with at least one high transverse momentum charged lepton (electron or muon) and two additional high transverse momentum leptons or jets, is performed using 3.2 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider in 2015 at √s = 13 TeV. The upper end of the distribution of the scalar sum of the transverse momenta of leptons and jets is sensitive to the production of high-mass objects. No excess of events beyond Standard Model predictions is observed. Exclusion limits are set for models of microscopic black holes with two to six extra dimensions.
Measurement with the ATLAS detector of multi-particle azimuthal correlations in p+Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV
In order to study further the long-range correlations ("ridge") observed recently in p + Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 5.02 TeV, the second-order azimuthal anisotropy parameter ofcharged particles, ...
Observation of an Excited $B^{\pm}_c$ Meson State with the ATLAS Detector
A search for excited states of the B±c meson is performed using 4.9 fb-1 of 7 TeV and 19.2 fb-1 of 8 TeV pp collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. A new state is observed through its hadronic transition to the ground state, with the latter detected in the decay B±c→J/ψπ±. The state appears in the m(Bc±π+π-)-m(Bc±)-2m(π±) mass difference distribution with a significance of 5.2 standard deviations. The mass of the observed state is 6842±4±5 MeV, where the first error is statistical and the second is systematic. The mass and decay of this state are consistent with expectations for the second S-wave state of the B±c meson, B±c(2S).