Giancarlo Zanet
Pragmatismo, a priori, analiticità: la linea genealogica Peirce-Lewis-Quine
Intenzionalità collettiva, ontologia sociale e mindreading
In his Collective Intentions and Actions John Searle argued that having a preintentional sense of others as at least potentially cooperative agents “like me” is a necessary condition of collective intentionality. He also argued, in Rationality in Action, that understanding others qua intentional agents necessarily presupposes rationality because rational constraints are built into the logical structure of intentional phenomena. In this paper we will try to specify further these claims in the light of current debate on mindreading, where other-understanding is spelled out either in terms of automatic, subpersonal simulative mechanisms, or in terms of normative, rational principles. We will a…
Naturalismo e razionalità
Naturalizzazione, mente e conoscenza
Naturalizzazione, mente e conoscenza - A controversial issue regarding Quine’s naturalised epistemology is that it may involve some form of reductionism. This article focuses on one of these forms, analysing the interplay of his philosophy of mind and epistemology. It aims to show that if we take into proper consideration the way in which the version of anomalous monism embraced affects his conception of mental states like sensations and propositional attitudes, Quine’s philosophy of mind should be regarded as anti-reductionist. Through a discussion of his theory of perception, I try to argue that what is entailed by it is, in a sense only partially accepted by Quine himself, that neither p…
Razionalità e simulazione nella comprensione sociale
Conoscenza e percezione: epistemologie cognitiviste e naturalizzazione del relativismo
What Pragmatist Genealogy for Quine?
Epistemologia e normatività in W.V. Quine
Introduzione a Mente e Corpo: Aspetti filosofici e scientifici
Quine and the Contemporary Debate on Mindreading
Abstract The paper examines some of the questions emerging from the debate on mindreading regarding Quine’s legacy and contribution to a new agenda on the issue. Since mindreading is an exercise in folk-psychology, a) which role folk psychology has to play according to Quine? b) was Quine’s account of mindreading closer to theory-theory, simulation theory or hybrid theory? c) was Quine a rationality theorist? d) are hybrid-theory and rationality theory incompatible as many would suggest? On the score of the answers to these questions, the paper tries to suggest a Quinean inspired blend of rationality-based and hybrid view-based strategies to explain mindreading.
Mente, linguaggio e razionalità. Il naturalismo di W.V. Quine ed il dibattito contemporaneo.
Una lettura non riduzionista della filosofia della mente di W. V Quine, offre la chiave per apprezzare alcune fondamentali curvature teoriche del suo naturalismo epistemologico. Permette di evidenziare una concezione dell'osservazione quale cognitivamente permeata che non implichi forme radicali di relativismo conoscitivo e di rendere perspicua la rilevanza delle aperture sul tema dell'empatia nella comprensione dell'altro. Ne emerge, in dialogo con voci autorevoli del dibattito contemporaneo, un'interpretazione che si discosta da alcuni stereotipi storiografici consolidati e tratteggia i contorni di una peculiare concezione naturalistica della razionalità.
Pensiero, percezione e linguaggio in W.V. Quine
Notwithstanding his well known behaviorism, Quine connects language learning to the ability of understanding others by means of empathy, namely perceiving what an other is perceiving. The paper discusses and resolves the prima facie oddity between this thesis and Quine's criticism of propositional attitudes. It analyzes the notion of empathy and the cognitive mechanism underlying it. It explains also the role of empathy and of mindreading abilities in language learning and understanding others. Comparing Quine's account of mindreading to the main options in the current debate on the topic, it assess the validity of the Quinean inspired blend of rationality-based and hybrid view-based strate…
Naturalismo ed empirismo nella filosofia di W.V. Quine
Social Ontology, Collective Intentionality, and Mindreading
Standard accounts of social reality take collective intentionality as the starting point of the creation and maintenance of social facts. But collective intentionality is enabled, as Searle suggests, by a more basic capacity to understand another person as an agent like oneself and as ready to engage in cooperative activities. We can coordinate our collective actions only insofar we are able to explain and predict the behavior of other persons, we can understand behavior only insofar we can mindread them, and we can mindread them only if we assume the constitutive role of rationality in action. Therefore …