Morgane Liard
Soil, charcoal, vegetation dynamics and agro-pastoral activities since Neolithic in the medium mountain of Mont Lozère (France)
Sanctuaire de source, sanctuaire des eaux ou simple sanctuaire en milieu humide? Découverte d'un complexe cultuel antique à Magny-Cours (Nièvre)
In advance of the future extension of the "technopole" and the construction of a service station in the district of Magny-Cours, the undertaking of two evaluations covering 15 hectares and 4 hectares, respectively, has revealed dense occupation of the site from the Neolithic period to the Middle Ages. The most important remains are associated with the Roman period and belong to a complex endowed with public buildings including several temples in an organised arrangement. This paper, preliminary to a larger study that will report on the whole of the site, is concerned specifically with the results obtained in a waterlogged area comprised within a zone that was excluded from the rescue excava…
Le Néolithique final. Les faits. Les matériaux organiques et minéraux.
Le Néolithique final. Les faits. Les matériaux organiques et minéraux.
Sublaines le Grand Ormeau (Indre-et-Loire)
Rapport de fouille archéologique de l'INRAP Centre-Ile-de-France, DRAC Centre, Orléans. Edité en 2008. 3 vol. de 520-566-527 pages