Efecto de la administración concomitante de indometacina o ibuprofeno en la farmacocinética de amikacina en neonatos prematuros
Objective: To evaluate whether the concomitant administration of ibuprofen or indomethacin plus amikacin may alter the latter drug's pharmacokinetic parameters, and hence amikacin plasma levels. Method: Retrospective cohort study performed by reviewing the medical records of premature children with persistent ductus arteriosus receiving amikacin and ibuprofen, or amikacin and indomethacin. They were divided up into three groups: group 1: treatment with amikacin went before indomethacin or ibuprofen; group 2: simultaneously treated with amikacin and indomethacin; group 3: simultaneously treated with amikacin and ibuprofen. Pharmacokinetic parameters, distribution volume, and amikacin clearan…