Lorenzo Luis Salcedo
Odd parity bottom-flavored baryon resonances
The LHCb Collaboration has recently observed two narrow baryon resonances with beauty. Their masses and decay modes look consistent with the quark model orbitally excited states Lambda(b)(5912) and Lambda(b)*(5920), with quantum numbers J(P) = 1/2(-) and 3/2(-), respectively. We predict the existence of these states within a unitarized meson-baryon coupled-channel dynamical model, which implements heavy-quark spin symmetry. Masses, quantum numbers and couplings of these resonances to the different meson-baryon channels are obtained. We find that the resonances Lambda(0)(b)(5912) and Lambda(0)(b)(5920) are heavy-quark spin symmetry partners, which naturally explains their approximate mass de…
Hidden charmNandΔresonances with heavy-quark symmetry
c and one c quarks). We analyze several possible sectors and, for the sector with zero net charm, we write down the most general Lagrangian consistent with SU(3) and heavy quark spin symmetry. We explicitly study theN andstates, which are produced from theS-wave interaction of pseudoscalar and vector mesons with 1/2 + and 3/2 + baryons within the charmless and strangeless hidden charm sector. We predict seven odd parityN-like and five �-like states with masses around 4GeV, most of them as bound states. These states form heavy-quark spin multiplets, which are almost degenerate in mass. The predicted new resonances definitely cannot be accommodated by quark models with three constituent quark…
s-wave charmed baryon resonances from a coupled-channel approach with heavy quark symmetry
We study charmed baryon resonances which are generated dynamically within a unitary meson-baryon coupled channel model that treats the heavy pseudoscalar and vector mesons on equal footing as required by heavy-quark symmetry. It is an extension of recent SU(4) models with t-channel vector meson exchanges to a SU(8) spin-flavor scheme, but differs considerably from the SU(4) approach in how the strong breaking of the flavor symmetry is implemented. Some of our dynamically generated states can be readily assigned to recently observed baryon resonances, while others do not have a straightforward identification and require the compilation of more data as well as an extension of the model to d-w…
Large N-c Weinberg-Tomozawa interaction and negative parity s-wave baryon resonances
It is shown that in the 70 and 700 SU(6) irreducible spaces, the SU(6) extension of the Weinberg-Tomozawa (WT) s-wave meson-baryon interaction incorporating vector mesons (hep-ph/0505233) scales as O(N-c(0)), instead of the well-known O(N-c(-1)) behavior for its SU(3) counterpart. However, the WT interaction behaves as order O(N-c(-1)) within the 56 and 1134 meson-baryon spaces. Explicit expressions for the WT couplings (eigenvalues) in the irreducible SU(2N(F)) spaces, for arbitrary N-F and N-c, are given. This extended interaction is used as a kernel of the Bethe Salpeter equation, to study the large N-c scaling of masses and widths of the lowest-lying negative parity s-wave baryon resona…
Λ Decay Induced by Two Nucleons
The decay of Λ hypernuclei induced by two nucleons is revised, along with its implications in the experimental determination of the ratio of neutron- to proton-stimulated Λ decay.
Meson-Baryon s-wave Resonances with Strangeness -3
Starting from a consistent SU(6) extension of the Weinberg-Tomozawa (WT) meson-baryon chiral Lagrangian (Phys. Rev. D74 (2006) 034025), we study the s-wave meson-baryon resonances in the strangeness S=-3 and negative parity sector. Those resonances are generated by solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation with the WT interaction used as kernel. The considered mesons are those of the 35-SU(6)-plet, which includes the pseudoscalar (PS) octet of pions and the vector (V) nonet of the rho meson. For baryons we consider the 56-SU(6)-plet, made of the 1/2+ octet of the nucleon and the 3/2+ decuplet of the Delta. Quantum numbers I(J^P)=0(3/2^-) are suggested for the experimental resonances Omega*(2250)-…
Charmed Mesons in Nuclei with Heavy-Quark Spin Symmetry
We study the properties of charmed pseudoscalar and vector mesons in dense matter within a unitary meson-baryon coupled-channel model which incorporates heavy-quark spin symmetry. This is accomplished by extending the SU(3) Weinberg-Tomozawa Lagrangian to SU(8) spin-flavor symmetry and implementing a suitable flavor symmetry breaking. Several resonances with negative parity are generated dynamically by the s-wave interaction between pseudoscalar and vector meson multiplets with $1/2^+$ and $3/2^+$ baryons. Those states are then compared to experimental data as well as theoretical models. Next, Pauli-blocking effects and meson self-energies are introduced in a self-consistent manner to obtai…
Photon and Pion Nuclear Absorption Mechanisms
Using a microscopical many body approach to pion and photonuclear reactions we study the mechanisms of pion and photon absorptions with emphasis on the number of nucleons involved in the genuine absorption process.
Odd-parity light baryon resonances
We use a consistent SU(6) extension of the meson-baryon chiral Lagrangian within a coupled channel unitary approach in order to calculate the T-matrix for meson-baryon scattering in s-wave. The building blocks of the scheme are the pion and nucleon octets, the rho nonet and the Delta decuplet. We identify poles in this unitary T-matrix and interpret them as resonances. We study here the non exotic sectors with strangeness S=0,-1,-2,-3 and spin J=1/2, 3/2 and 5/2. Many of the poles generated can be associated with known N, Delta, Sigma, Lambda and Xi resonances with negative parity. We show that most of the low-lying three and four star odd parity baryon resonances with spin 1/2 and 3/2 can …
Heavy-quark spin symmetry for charmed and strange baryon resonances
We study charmed and strange odd-parity baryon resonances that are generated dynamically by a unitary baryon-meson coupled-channels model which incorporates heavy-quark spin symmetry. This is accomplished by extending the SU(3) Weinberg-Tomozawa chiral Lagrangian to SU(8) spin-flavor symmetry plus a suitable symmetry breaking. The model generates resonances with negative parity from the s-wave interaction of pseudoscalar and vector mesons with 1/2(+) and 3/2(+) baryons in all the isospin, spin, and strange sectors with one, two, and three charm units. Some of our results can be identified with experimental data from several facilities, such as the CLEO, Belle, or BaBar Collaborations, as we…
SU(6) Extension of the Weinberg-Tomozawa Meson-Baryon Lagrangian
A consistent SU(6) extension of the Weinberg-Tomozawa meson-baryon chiral Lagrangian is constructed which incorporates vector meson and baryon decuplet degrees of freedom. The corresponding Bethe-Salpeter approximation predicts the existence of an isoscalar spin-parity ${3/2}^-$ $K^*N$ bound state (strangeness +1) with a mass around 1.7--1.8$ $GeV. It is the highest hypercharge state of an antidecuplet SU(3) representation and it is unstable through $K^*$ decay. The estimated width of this state (neglecting d-wave $KN$ decay) turns out to be small ($\Gamma \le 15 $MeV). Clear signals of this resonance would be found in reactions like $\gamma p \to {\bar K}^0 p K^+ \pi^-$ by looking at the t…
Compositeness of the strange, charm and beauty odd parity $\Lambda$ states
14 pages.- 2 figures.- 5 tables
Photonuclear reactions at intermediate energies
Starting from basic couplings of the photons to mesons, nucleons and isobars a microscopic manybody theory is developped which allows one to evaluate different photonuclear reactions at intermediate energies. The theory is applied to obtain the total photonuclear cross section and the separation between γ absorption and (γ, π) reaction channels.
Resonances and the Weinberg-Tomozawa 56-baryon-35-meson interaction
Vector meson degrees of freedom are incorporated into the Weinberg-Tomozawa (WT) meson-baryon chiral Lagrangian by using a scheme which relies on spin--flavor SU(6) symmetry. The corresponding Bethe-Salpeter approximation successfully reproduces previous SU(3)--flavor WT results for the lowest-lying s--wave negative parity baryon resonances, and it also provides some information on the dynamics of the heavier ones. Moreover, it also predicts the existence of an isoscalar spin-parity $\frac32^-$ $K^*N$ bound state (strangeness +1) with a mass around 1.7--1.8 GeV, unstable through $K^*$ decay. Neglecting d-wave KN decays, this state turns out to be quite narrow ($\Gamma \le 15$ MeV) and it mi…
Strangeness and charm in nuclear matter
The properties of strange (K, (K) over bar and (K) over bar*) and open-charm (D, (D) over bar and D*) mesons in dense matter are studied using a unitary approach in coupled channels for meson-baryon scattering. In the strangeness sector, the interaction with nucleons always comes through vector-meson exchange, which is evaluated by chiral and hidden gauge Lagrangians. For the interaction of charmed mesons with nucleons we extend the SU(3) Weinberg-Tomozawa Lagrangian to incorporate spin-flavor symmetry and implement a suitable flavor symmetry breaking. The in-medium solution for the scattering amplitude accounts for Pauli blocking effects and meson self-energies. On one hand, we obtain the …
Charmed and strange baryon resonances with heavy-quark spin symmetry
We study charmed and strange baryon resonances that are generated dynamically by a unitary baryon-meson coupled-channel model which incorporates heavy-quark spin symmetry. This is accomplished by extending the SU(3) Weinberg-Tomozawa chiral Lagrangian to SU(8) spin-flavor symmetry plus a suitable symmetry breaking. The model produces resonances with negative parity from s-wave interaction of pseudoscalar and vector mesons with $1/2^+$ and $3/2^+$ baryons. Resonances in all the isospin, spin, and strange sectors with one, two, and three charm units are studied. Our results are compared with experimental data from several facilities, such as the CLEO, Belle or BaBar Collaborations, as well as…
Chiral SU(3) Bethe Salpeter Model: Extension to SU(6) and SU(8) Spin-Flavor Symmetries
Consistent SU(6) and SU(8) spin-flavor extensions of the SU(3) flavor Weinberg-Tomozawa (WT) meson-baryon chiral Lagrangian are constructed, which incorporate vector meson degrees of freedom. In the charmless sector, the on-shell approximation to the Bethe-Salpeter (BS) approach successfully reproduces previous SU(3) WT results for the lowest-lying s--wave negative parity baryon resonances. It also provides some information on the dynamics of heavier ones and of the lightest d-wave negative parity resonances, as e.g. the Lambda(1520). For charmed baryons the scheme is consistent with heavy quark symmetry, and our preliminary results in the strangeness-less charm C=+1 sector describe the mai…
Short range correlations in the pion s-wave self-energy of pionic atoms
We evaluate the contribution of second order terms to the pion-nucleus s-wave optical potential of pionic atoms generated by short range nuclear correlation. The corrections are sizeable because they involve the isoscalar s-wave $\pi N$ amplitude for half off-shell situations where the amplitude is considerably larger than the on-shell one. In addition, the s-wave optical potential is reanalyzed by looking at all the different conventional contributions together lowest order, Pauli corrected rescattering term, second order absorptive effects, terms from the interaction of pions with the virtual pion cloud (chiral corrections) and correlation effects. Different off-shell extrapolations for t…
D^- mesic atoms
The anti-D meson self-energy is evaluated self-consistently, using unitarized coupled-channel theory, by computing the in-medium meson-baryon T-matrix in the C=-1,S=0 sector. The heavy pseudo-scalar and heavy vector mesons, anti-D and anti-D^*, are treated on equal footing as required by heavy quark spin symmetry. Results for energy levels and widths of D^- mesic atoms in 12C, 40Ca, 118Sn and 208Pb are presented. The spectrum contains states of atomic and of nuclear types for all nuclei. anti-D^0--nucleus bound states are also obtained. We find that, after electromagnetic and nuclear cascade, these systems end up with the anti-D bound in the nucleus, either as a meson or as part of a exotic…
Charmed baryon resonances with heavy-quark symmetry
We study charmed baryon resonances that are generated dynamically from a coupled-channel unitary approach that implements heavy-quark symmetry. Some states can already be identified with experimental observations, such as $\Lambda_c(2595)$,$\Lambda_c(2660)$, $\Sigma_c(2902)$ or $\Lambda_c(2941)$, while others need a compilation of more experimental data as well as an extension of the model to include higher order contributions. We also compare our model to previous SU(4) schemes.
Exotic dynamically generated baryons with negative charm quantum number
Following a model based on the SU(8) symmetry that treats heavy pseudoscalars and heavy vector mesons on an equal footing, as required by heavy quark symmetry, we study the interaction of baryons and mesons in coupled channels within an unitary approach that generates dynamically poles in the scattering T-matrix. We concentrate in the exotic channels with negative charm quantum number for which there is the experimental claim of one state.
A Review on Mesonic Decay of Λ Hypernuclei
Low-lying even parity meson resonances and spin-flavor symmetry revisited
We review and extend the model derived in Garcia-Recio et al. [Phys. Rev. D 83, 016007 (2011)] to address the dynamics of the low-lying even-parity meson resonances. This model is based on a coupled-channels spin-flavor extension of the chiralWeinberg-Tomozawa Lagrangian. This interaction is then used to study the S-wave meson-meson scattering involving members not only of the pi octet, but also of the rho nonet. In this work, we study in detail the structure of the SU(6)-symmetry-breaking contact terms that respect (or softly break) chiral symmetry. We derive the most general local (without involving derivatives) terms consistent with the chiral-symmetry-breaking pattern of QCD. After intr…
Large-N Weinberg-Tomozawa interaction and spin-flavor symmetry
The construction of an extended version of the Weinberg-Tomozawa Lagrangian, in which baryons and mesons form spin-flavor multiplets, is reviewed and some of its properties discussed, for an arbitrary number of colors and flavors. The coefficient tables of spin-flavor irreducible representations related by crossing between the $s$-, $t$- and $u$-channels are explicitly constructed.
Low-lying even parity meson resonances and spin-flavor symmetry
A study is presented of the $s-$wave meson-meson interactions involving members of the $\rho-$nonet and of the $\pi-$octet. The starting point is an SU(6) spin-flavor extension of the SU(3) flavor Weinberg-Tomozawa Lagrangian. SU(6) symmetry breaking terms are then included to account for the physical meson masses and decay constants, while preserving partial conservation of the axial current in the light pseudoscalar sector. Next, the $T-$matrix amplitudes are obtained by solving the Bethe Salpeter equation in coupled-channel with the kernel built from the above interactions. The poles found on the first and second Riemann sheets of the amplitudes are identified with their possible Particl…
Hidden charm N and Delta resonances with heavy-quark symmetry
A model is developed to describe odd-parity baryon resonances generated dynamically through a unitary baryon-meson coupled-channels approach. The scheme applies to channels with light- and/or heavy-quark content. Distinct features of the model are that i) the interaction is an S-wave contact one, ii) it reduces to the SU(3) Weinberg-Tomozawa Hamiltonian when light pseudoscalar mesons are involved, thus respecting chiral symmetry, iii) spin-flavor is preserved in the light-quark sector, and iv) heavy-quark spin symmetry is fulfilled in the heavy-quark sector. In particular, baryon-meson states with different content in c or in (c) over bar do not mix. The model is a minimal one and it contai…