New national and regional bryophyte records, 35
Department of Botany, University of Stellenbosch, SouthAfrica1. Brachythecium laetum(Brid.) Schimp.Contributors: S. Huttunen, M. S. Ignatov and T.Korvenpa¨a¨Finland: La¨nsi-Turunmaa, Houtskari, on east andsouth shore of island Nataholm, 60u15945.3060N21u19911.960W, in rich deciduous forest withCorylusavellanaL. understory and some calcareous soils, 13August 2008, leg. Turkka Korvenpa¨a¨, det.M.S.Ignatov in August 2012 (original det. Brachytheciumcampestre) (TUR116496).The specimen ofBrachythecium laetumwas notedby M. S. Ignatov in connection with studies onFinnish material of B. campestre(Mu¨ll.Hal.) Schimp.from the Turku University Herbarium (TUR).Additional collections were searched for …