A Pugliese
Del Comune, o un’etica per il XXI secolo?
This article proposes an ethical reinterpretation of Dardot and Laval's analyses of the concept of the "commune", published in 2014. The circulation of ethical arguments and the activation of a line of thought related to public ethics can indeed contribute to finding an answer to some objections moved to the proposal of the commune. This is the intention of my contribution, which focuses in particular on the question of the subjectivity implied, or rather evoked by the theoretical-political proposal of the French thinkers.
Motion in Experience. Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives
Under the title Motion in Experience, the phenomenon of movement is discussed as a trait of experience in a wide range of interpretations. Moving and being moved come into play not only as physical phenomena, but also as inner developmental movements. The aim of this issue is to foster a common and interdisciplinary reflection on the phenomenon of movement as a decisive moment of experience.
Verità ed evidenza: radici di un’etica fenomenologica
The paper discusses the problem of the relationship between ethics and truth starting from a critique of the contemporary paradigm of post-truth. The opposition between objectivity and subjectivism that is the basis of this paradigm is questioned by inserting the medium term of objectivity as fairness. The truth is thus recovered as an exceding dimension that can never be completely owned. To illustrate this point, I therefore resort to the phenomenological theory of evidence, retracing its development in Edmund Husserl’s texts from the Sixth Logical Research to Formal and Transcendental Logic to the Cartesian Meditations. Thereby, it becomes gradually clear how the evidence is connected to…
Introduzione a: Il prisma delle passioni. Prospettive per un'antropologia delle passioni
Il volume esplora il tema delle emozioni rivalutandolo in senso antropologico. A partire da approcci disciplinari diversi, come in un prisma che fa convergere l’attenzione sul fenomeno osservato rispettandone le molteplici sfaccettature, emerge dai saggi raccolti come la sfera emotiva rappresenti una chiave d’accesso privilegiata per la comprensione della natura umana.
Dominio razzista ed etica del passante. L'antropologia critica di Achille Mbembe
This paper discusses Achille Mbembe’s critique of racial segregation taken as the descriptive and theoretical ground for a critical anthropology. Mbembe’s most important works On the Postcolony (2000), Critique de la Raison Nègre (2013), and Politiques de l’intimité (2016) are read as a coherent system aimed at unfolding the philosophical meaning of different forms of racial segregation. Race is outlined as a principle of separation whose broader meaning lies in forcing the multi-layered human experience into rigid categories, thereby achieving the objectifying of humans. Mbembe’s books also show the sharpening of a peculiar methodological approach aimed at reconciling a universal philosoph…