A Pisciotta
Stima della pericolosità potenziale al dissesto idrogeologico nella provincia di Messina: valutazione preliminare
GIS based landslide hazard assessment at regional scale in Sicily (central mediterranean)
CO2 degassing at La Solfatara volcano (Phlegrean Fields): Processes affecting d13C and d18O of soil CO2
Abstract The soil CO2 degassing is a ected by processes of isotope exchange and fractionation during transport across the soil, which can deeply modify the pristine isotope composition. This has been observed in 10 the Solfatara volcano, upon a eld survey of 110 points, where the CO2 ux was measured, together with temperature, CO2 concentra- tion and oxygen and carbon isotopes within the soil. Furthermore, in some selected sites, the measurements were made at di erent depths, in order to analyze vertical gradients. Oxygen isotope composition 15 appears controlled by exchange with soil water (either meteoric or fumarolic condensate), due to the fast kinetic of the isotopic equilib- rium betw…