Ketola Tarmo

Metsäluonnon turvaava suojelun kohdentaminen Suomessa

Tässä mietinnössä Luontopaneeli keskittyy Suomen pinta-alaltaan suurimman ja siten lajien kannalta merkityksellisimmän elinympäristön eli boreaalisten metsien suojelun kohdentamiseen. EU:n BD-strategiassa mainitut käsitteet vanha metsä ja luonnontilainen metsä eivät ole yksiselitteisiä, ja niiden määritelmiin voidaan perustellusti esittää erilaisia näkökohtia. Tämän ei tule estää rationaalisten suojelusuunnitelmien tekoa. Luontopaneeli korostaa, että käsitteiden määrittelyn sijaan tärkeintä on EU:n BD-strategian tavoitteiden eli luonnon monimuotoisuuden säilymisen ja kokonaisheikentymättömyyden saavuttaminen. Tässä mietinnössä Luontopaneeli esittää laskelman, jolla Suomi voi metsien osalta …

research product

Supplementary tables from Town population size and structuring into villages and households drive infectious disease risks in pre-healthcare Finland

Social life is often considered to cost in terms of increased parasite or pathogen risk. However, evidence for this in the wild remains equivocal, possibly because populations and social groups are often structured, which affects the local transmission and extinction of diseases. We test how the structuring of towns into villages and households influenced the risk of dying from three easily diagnosable infectious diseases—smallpox, pertussis and measles—using a novel dataset covering almost all of Finland in the pre-healthcare era (1800–1850). Consistent with previous results, the risk of dying from all three diseases increased with the local population size. However, the division of towns …

research product

Adaptation to fluctuations in temperature by nine species of bacteria.

Abstract Rapid environmental fluctuations are ubiquitous in the wild, yet majority of experimental studies mostly consider effects of slow fluctuations on organism. To test the evolutionary consequences of fast fluctuations, we conducted nine independent experimental evolution experiments with bacteria. Experimental conditions were same for all species, and we allowed them to evolve either in fluctuating temperature alternating rapidly between 20°C and 40°C or at constant 30°C temperature. After experimental evolution, we tested the performance of the clones in both rapid fluctuation and in constant environments (20°C, 30°C and 40°C). Results from experiments on these nine species were comb…

research product