Markus Matilainen
Stationary subspace analysis based on second-order statistics
In stationary subspace analysis (SSA) one assumes that the observable p-variate time series is a linear mixture of a k-variate nonstationary time series and a (p-k)-variate stationary time series. The aim is then to estimate the unmixing matrix which transforms the observed multivariate time series onto stationary and nonstationary components. In the classical approach multivariate data are projected onto stationary and nonstationary subspaces by minimizing a Kullback-Leibler divergence between Gaussian distributions, and the method only detects nonstationarities in the first two moments. In this paper we consider SSA in a more general multivariate time series setting and propose SSA method…
Dimension reduction for time series in a blind source separation context using r
Funding Information: The work of KN was supported by the CRoNoS COST Action IC1408 and the Austrian Science Fund P31881-N32. The work of ST was supported by the CRoNoS COST Action IC1408. The work of JV was supported by Academy of Finland (grant 321883). We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments which improved the paper and package considerably. Publisher Copyright: © 2021, American Statistical Association. All rights reserved. Multivariate time series observations are increasingly common in multiple fields of science but the complex dependencies of such data often translate into intractable models with large number of parameters. An alternative is given by first red…
On Independent Component Analysis with Stochastic Volatility Models
Consider a multivariate time series where each component series is assumed to be a linear mixture of latent mutually independent stationary time series. Classical independent component analysis (ICA) tools, such as fastICA, are often used to extract latent series, but they don't utilize any information on temporal dependence. Also financial time series often have periods of low and high volatility. In such settings second order source separation methods, such as SOBI, fail. We review here some classical methods used for time series with stochastic volatility, and suggest modifications of them by proposing a family of vSOBI estimators. These estimators use different nonlinearity functions to…
A review of second‐order blind identification methods
Second order source separation (SOS) is a data analysis tool which can be used for revealing hidden structures in multivariate time series data or as a tool for dimension reduction. Such methods are nowadays increasingly important as more and more high-dimensional multivariate time series data are measured in numerous fields of applied science. Dimension reduction is crucial, as modelling such high-dimensional data with multivariate time series models is often impractical as the number of parameters describing dependencies between the component time series is usually too high. SOS methods have their roots in the signal processing literature, where they were first used to separate source sig…
A review of second‐order blind identification methods
Second-order source separation (SOS) is a data analysis tool which can be used for revealing hidden structures in multivariate time series data or as a tool for dimension reduction. Such methods are nowadays increasingly important as more and more high-dimensional multivariate time series data are measured in numerous fields of applied science. Dimension reduction is crucial, as modeling such high-dimensional data with multivariate time series models is often impractical as the number of parameters describing dependencies between the component time series is usually too high. SOS methods have their roots in the signal processing literature, where they were first used to separate source sign…
Extracting Conditionally Heteroskedastic Components using Independent Component Analysis
In the independent component model, the multivariate data are assumed to be a mixture of mutually independent latent components. The independent component analysis (ICA) then aims at estimating these latent components. In this article, we study an ICA method which combines the use of linear and quadratic autocorrelations to enable efficient estimation of various kinds of stationary time series. Statistical properties of the estimator are studied by finding its limiting distribution under general conditions, and the asymptotic variances are derived in the case of ARMA-GARCH model. We use the asymptotic results and a finite sample simulation study to compare different choices of a weight coef…