Fadi Ata-ali Mahmud
Pemphigus vulgaris and mucous membrane pemphigoid: update on etiopathogenesis, oral manifestations and managementy.
Introduction: The treatment of oral mucosal disorders must be based on an early and correct diagnosis. Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) and mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP) are among the diseases that pose the greatest diagnostic difficulties for dentists, with scores of 7.35 and 8.03, respectively , on a scale from 0-10. Objective: To conduct a literature review on PV and MMP, and to summarize the case series involving more than two patients with these diseases. Material and Methods: A PubMed – Medline search was carried out, using the key words “pemphigus vulgaris” and “oral mucous membrane pemphigoid”. The search was limited to “case reports” and “dental journals”, and yielded a total of 122 arti…
Prevalence, etiology, diagnosis, treatment and complications of supernumerary teeth
The aim of this article was to review the literature on supernumerary teeth, analyzing their prevalence, etiology, diagnosis, treatment and possible complications. An electronic search was made in the Pubmed-Medline database up to January 2014 using the key search terms "multiple supernumerary teeth" (n=279), "prevalence supernume rary teeth" (n=361), and "supernumerary teeth" (n=2412). In addition to the articles initially identified, others were included in the review proceeding from a manual search and from any references considered of relevance. Supernumerary teeth are those that exceed the normal dental formula. They are more common in men, more common in the upper maxilla, and more pr…
Ortodoncia lingual y ortodoncia vestibular: estudio comparativo de la selección de casos y la calidad de terminación
Las malposiciones dentales tienen un impacto significativo sobre la estética de la sonrisa y, por tanto, se considera un factor clave que afecta de forma directa a la autoestima. El objetivo principal de un tratamiento de ortodoncia es conseguir una oclusión ideal, que sea morfológicamente estable a la vez que estética y funcional. El tratamiento de ortodoncia con aparatología fija se ha relacionado con algunos aspectos que condicionan la calidad de vida, desde el punto de vista de la salud bucodental, como problemas en la higiene oral, mayor dificultad en la pronunciación, mayor riesgo de aparición de lesiones de caries o mayores restricciones alimentarias. Estos efectos adversos se han re…
Corticosteroids use in controlling pain, swelling and trismus after lower third molar surgery use in controlling pain, swelling and trismus after lower third molar surgery
Objectives: A study is made of corticosteroid use in controlling pain, swelling and trismus after lower third molar surgical removal. Material and methods: A Medline search and review was made of all randomized and controlled clinical trials on the effects of corticosteroids upon pain, swelling and trismus after lower third molar surgery. The review was limited to those studies published in the last 10 years. Of the 20 initially considered articles, 6 were finally excluded. Results: A total of 14 articles were included. In 5 of the studies, corticosteroid use resulted in statistically significant reductions in pain after third molar removal. In 7 of the 11 articles that analyzed the effect …
Osteonecrosis of the jaws in patients treated with bisphosphonates
The literature describes an increasing presence of bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ), characterized by the exposure for over 8 weeks of necrotic bone in the maxillofacial region, after bisphosphonate therapy, in the absence of prior maxillary radiotherapy. The present literature review examines the etiopathogenesis, risk factors, clinical forms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of bisphosphonate-induced ONJ. In addition, a review is made of all the series involving over 15 patients diagnosed with this disorder between 1 January 2011 and 15 May 2011. A PubMed-Medline search was carried out with the following key words: 'bisphosphonates' and 'osteonecrosis'. The appear…
Forensic dentistry in human identification: A review of the literature
An update is provided of the literature on the role of odontology in human identification, based on a PubMed-Medline search of the last 5 years and using the terms: 'forensic dentistry' (n = 464 articles), 'forensic odontology' (n = 141 articles) and 'forensic dentistry identification' (n = 169 articles). Apart from these initial 774 articles, others considered to be important and which were generated by a manual search and cited as references in review articles were also included. Forensic dentistry requires interdisciplinary knowledge, since the data obtained from the oral cavity can contribute to identify an individual or provide information needed in a legal process. Furthermore, the da…