Rita Freimane
Latvijas VLA modeļa pilnveides mehānismi, lai Latvijas gadījumam nodrošinātu starptautiski konkurētspējīgu vispārējā līdzsvara modeli klimata politikas ietekmes uz tautsaimniecību novērtēšanai un tās efektīvu sasaisti ar FEI TIMES modeli
Nodevums projekta “Klimata mērķu ekonomiskās ietekmes modelēšana un analīze” ietvaros
Research and Development Expenditures and Economic Growth in the EU: A Panel Data Analysis
Abstract The main aim of the paper is to investigate the empirical relationship between research and development (R&D) expenditures and economic growth in the European Union member states in the period of 2000–2013. The empirical analysis is based on panel data regressions. The estimated model is the production function type standard growth model extended with R&D stock variable. The results show a statistically significant impact of R&D expenditures on the economic growth in the EU countries. The significance for R&D coefficient remains robust to different sub-periods, but the level of significance decreases as a sub-sample of new EU countries was considered.
Dynamics of real labour productivity and real compensation in Latvia
Relationship between labour productivity and wages is an important issue not only for economists, but also for policy makers. In the last decades, we have witnessed that in the EU15 wage growth has been lagging productivity growth. At the same time in Latvia, also in some other central and eastern European member states, wages increased more than productivity, rising concerns about disbalance in the economy. However, comparison of wage level and productivity level in Latvia and respective levels in the EU15 shows that wage level in Latvia is much below the EU15 average value in absolute terms, but also in relation to productivity level. To understand whether dissimilarities in wage and prod…
Digital competence rating and economic development in the EU
Diffusion of information and communication technologies (ICT) in different areas has accelerated the growth of the global economy. It has large impact to the business by transforming processes, creating new services, industries. ICT development requires new technologies and new approaches to innovate and integrate. The European Commission stated: "The Internet and digital technologies are transforming the lives we lead, the way we work – as individuals, in business, and in our communities as they become more integrated across all sectors of our economy and society". The access to high-speed digital infrastructures, skills of the effective usage of highly developed digital technologies repre…