Laurentino García Cayón
Adicciones y apuntes al catálogo de orquídeas de la provincia de Palencia
We provide two novelties to the Palencia (Spain): Gymnadenia pyrenaica (Philippe) Giraudias y Ophrys santonica J. M. Mathé & Melki. We include new chorological data about various species of interest, with the purpose of increasing the information about its orchid flora
Apuntes al catálogo de la orquidoflora de la provincia de Palencia
Some records, data and notes are given, in order to increase the information to the Orchidaceae flora from the Palencia province. From previous bibliographic data and adding the chorologic data resulting of our studies, we have done or completed some provincial distribution maps about different species of orchids in this area. We have based on the species description of several authors, in a no synthetic criterion. The used keys have been mentioned in every taxon notes, as well as the most important traits taken into account for their identification.