Frédéric Déglise

Voisinages tubulaires épointés et homotopie stable à l'infini

We initiate a study of punctured tubular neighborhoods and homotopy theory at infinity in motivic settings. We use the six functors formalism to give an intrinsic definition of the stable motivic homotopy type at infinity of an algebraic variety. Our main computational tools include cdh-descent for normal crossing divisors, Euler classes, Gysin maps, and homotopy purity. Under-adic realization, the motive at infinity recovers a formula for vanishing cycles due to Rapoport-Zink; similar results hold for Steenbrink's limiting Hodge structures and Wildeshaus' boundary motives. Under the topological Betti realization, the stable motivic homotopy type at infinity of an algebraic variety recovers…

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Stable motivic homotopy theory at infinity

In this paper, we initiate a study of motivic homotopy theory at infinity. We use the six functor formalism to give an intrinsic definition of the stable motivic homotopy type at infinity of an algebraic variety. Our main computational tools include cdh-descent for normal crossing divisors, Euler classes, Gysin maps, and homotopy purity. Under $\ell$-adic realization, the motive at infinity recovers a formula for vanishing cycles due to Rapoport-Zink; similar results hold for Steenbrink's limiting Hodge structures and Wildeshaus' boundary motives. Under the topological Betti realization, the stable motivic homotopy type at infinity of an algebraic variety recovers the singular complex at in…

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Orientation theory in arithmetic geometry

This work is devoted to study orientation theory in arithmetic geometric within the motivic homotopy theory of Morel and Voevodsky. The main tool is a formulation of the absolute purity property for an \emph{arithmetic cohomology theory}, either represented by a cartesian section of the stable homotopy category or satisfying suitable axioms. We give many examples, formulate conjectures and prove a useful property of analytical invariance. Within this axiomatic, we thoroughly develop the theory of characteristic and fundamental classes, Gysin and residue morphisms. This is used to prove Riemann-Roch formulas, in Grothendieck style for arbitrary natural transformations of cohomologies, and a …

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Beilinson Motives and Algebraic K-Theory

Section 12 is a recollection on the basic results of stable homotopy theory of schemes, after Morel and Voevodsky. In particular, we recall the theory of orientations in a motivic cohomology theory. Section 13 is a recollection of the fundamental results on algebraic K-theory which we translate into results within stable homotopy theory of schemes. In particular, Quillen’s localization theorem is seen as an absolute purity theory for the K-theory spectrum. In Section 14, we introduce the fibred category of Beilinson motives as an appropriate Verdier quotient of the motivic stable homotopy category. Using the Adams filtration on K-theory, we prove that Beilinson motives have the properties o…

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Motivic Complexes and Relative Cycles

This part is based on Suslin and Voevodsky’s theory of relative cycles that we develop in categorical terms, in the style of EGA. The climax of the theory is obtained in the study of a pullback operation for suitable relative cycles which is the incarnation of intersection theory in this language. Properties of this pullback operation, and on the conditions necessary to its definition, are made again inspired by intersection theory. We study the compatibility of this pullback operation with projective limits of schemes. In Section 9, the theory of relative cycles is exploited to introduce Voevodsky’s category of finite type schemes over an arbitrary base with morphisms finite correspondence…

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Construction of Fibred Categories

In Section 5, we introduce methods from classical homological algebra (i.e. using mostly the language of derived categories of abelian categories and their Verdier quotients) to construct the main examples of premotivic categories of interest in this book, while, in Section 6, we study how to check that the localization axiom holds in practice. Section 7 is devoted to the process of obtaining new fibred categories from old ones, by considering homotopy theoretic modules over a ring object.

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The homotopy Leray spectral sequence

In this work, we build a spectral sequence in motivic homotopy that is analogous to both the Serre spectral sequence in algebraic topology and the Leray spectral sequence in algebraic geometry. Here, we focus on laying the foundations necessary to build the spectral sequence and give a convenient description of its $E_2$-page. Our description of the $E_2$-page is in terms of homology of the local system of fibers, which is given using a theory similar to Rost's cycle modules. We close by providing some sample applications of the spectral sequence and some hints at future work.

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Fibred Categories and the Six Functors Formalism

In Section 1, we introduce the basic language used in this book, the so-called premotivic categories and their functoriality. This is an extension of the classical notion of fibered categories. They appear with different categorical structures. In Section2, the language of premotivic categories is specialized to that of triangulated categories and to algebraic geometry. We introduce several axioms of such categories which ultimately will lead to the full six functors formalism. An emphasis is given on the study of the main axioms, with a special care about the so-called localization axiom. Then in Section 3, the general theory of descent is formulated in the language of premotivic model cat…

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Milnor-Witt Motives

We develop the theory of Milnor-Witt motives and motivic cohomology. Compared to Voevodsky's theory of motives and his motivic cohomology, the first difference appears in our definition of Milnor-Witt finite correspondences, where our cycles come equipped with quadratic forms. This yields a weaker notion of transfers and a derived category of motives that is closer to the stable homotopy theory of schemes. We prove a cancellation theorem when tensoring with the Tate object, we compare the diagonal part of our Milnor-Witt motivic cohomology to Minor-Witt K-theory and we provide spectra representing various versions of motivic cohomology in the $\mathbb{A}^1$-derived category or the stable ho…

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