Fibrinogen Naples I (Bβ A68T) Nonsubstrate Thrombin-Binding Capacities
Fibrinogen Naples I (Bbeta A68T) is characterized by defective thrombin binding and fibrinopeptide cleavage at the fibrinogen substrate site in the E domain. We evaluated the fibrinogen of three homozygotic members of this kindred (II.1, II.2, II.3) who have displayed thrombophilic phenotypes and two heterozygotic subjects (I.1, I.2) who were asymptomatic. Electron microscopy of Naples I fibrin networks showed relatively wide fiber bundles, probably due to slowed fibrin assembly secondary to delayed fibrinopeptide release. We evaluated 125I-thrombin binding to the fibrin from subjects I.1, I.2, II.1, and II.2 by Scatchard analysis with emphasis on the high-affinity site in the D domain of f…