Cdc42 in osterix-expressing cells alters osteoblast behavior and myeloid lineage commitment
Osteoblasts are not only responsible for bone formation. They also support hematopoiesis. This requires responding to cues originating from several signaling pathways, a task performed by Rho GTPases. We therefore examined several transgenic mouse models and used inhibitors of Cdc42 in vitro. Deletion of Cdc42 in vivo using the Osterix promoter suppressed osteoblast function, while its deletion in differentiating osteoblasts using the Collagen-a1(I) promoter decreased osteoblast numbers. In both cases, bone mineral density diminished confirming the importance of Cdc42. Evaluation of hematopoiesis revealed that deletion of Cdc42 using the Osterix, but not the Collagen-a1(I) promoter increase…