Miguel Escobedo Espinosa
Momentum anisotropy effects for quarkonium in a weakly coupled quark-gluon plasma below the melting temperature
In the early stages of heavy-ion collisions, the hot QCD matter expands more longitudinally than transversely. This imbalance causes the system to become rapidly colder in the longitudinal direction, and a local momentum anisotropy appears. In this paper, we study the heavy-quarkonium spectrum in the presence of a small plasma anisotropy. We work in the framework of potential nonrelativistic QCD at finite temperature. We inspect arrangements of nonrelativistic and thermal scales complementary to those considered in the literature. In particular, we consider temperatures larger and Debye masses smaller than the binding energy, which is a temperature range relevant for presently running LHC e…
Effective Field Theories for heavy probes in a hot QCD plasma and in the early universe
There are many interesting problems in heavy-ion collisions and in cosmology that involve the interaction of a heavy particle with a medium. An example is the dissociation of heavy quarkonium seen in heavy-ion collisions. This was believed to be due to the screening of chromoelectric fields that prevents the heavy quarks from binding, however in the last years several perturbative and lattice computations have pointed out to the possibility that dissociation is due to the finite lifetime of a quarkonium state inside the medium. Regarding cosmology, the study of the behavior of heavy Majorana neutrinos in a hot medium is important to understand if this model can explain the origin of dark ma…
Approach to equilibrium of a quarkonium in a quark-gluon plasma
We derive equations of motion for the reduced density matrix of a heavy quarkonium in contact with a quark-gluon plasma in thermal equilibrium. These equations allow in particular a proper treatment of the regime when the temperature of the plasma is comparable to the binding energy of the quarkonium. These equations are used to study how the quarkonium approaches equilibrium with the plasma, and we discuss the corresponding entropy increase, or free energy decrease, depending on the temperature regime. The effect of collisions can be accounted for by the generalization of the imaginary potential introduced in previous studies, and from which collision rates are derived. An important outcom…