Antonino Caronia
Induction Heating of Planar Aluminum Targets for Spray Cooling Research
On the Derivation of the Boiling Curve in Spray Cooling from Experimental Temperature-Time Histories
Termovelocimetria tomografica ad immagini di particelle mediante cristalli liquidi termocromici sospesi - tecnica sperimentale e applicazione alla convezione di Rayleigh-Bénard
The Experimental Heat Transfer Curve in Spray Cooling as the Solution of a Minimum Problem
Studio sperimentale dello "Spray Cooling" di pareti calde – 6. Caratterizzazione idrodinamica degli spray. Quaderno No. 3/05, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Nucleare, Università degli Studi di Palermo
Modelling Laminar and Turbulent Combustion Problems Using ANSYS-CFX. Quaderno N. 1/2008, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Nucleare, Università degli Studi di Palermo.
An Experimental Investigation of the Spray Cooling of Hot Walls
The Nukiyama Curve in Water Spray Cooling: its Derivation from Temperature-Time Histories and its Dependence on the Quantities that Characterize Drop Impact
Abstract Heat transfer from hot aluminium walls to cold water sprays was investigated. The method used was the transient two-side symmetric cooling of a planar aluminium target, previously heated to temperatures of up to 750 K, by twin sprays issuing from full-cone swirl spray nozzles of various gauge. The target’s mid-plane temperature was recorded during the cooling transient by thin-foil K thermocouples and a high-frequency data acquisition system. In order to determine the wall temperature Tw, the wall heat flux q w ″ and the q w ″ - T w heat transfer (Nukiyama) curve, two different approaches were used: the first was based on the solution of an inverse heat conduction problem, the seco…