Francesca Martorana
Solar-assisted heat pumps systems for domestic hot water production in small energy communities
Abstract The paper investigates the energy performances of several configurations of solar-assisted heat pumps equipped with photovoltaic (PV) and photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) panels as well as solar thermal collectors for domestic hot water production. The systems are sized to serve small aggregates of users assumed as micro energy communities in low housing density context in the South of Italy. Electricity storages are also considered to smooth the interaction with the electric grid. Several indices are defined and calculated to guide toward a correct sizing, to check users’ satisfaction and to assess primary energy savings. The results show how the energy consumption from the analysed sys…
Procedura di calibrazione di sistemi dosimetrici a film radio-cromici GAFCHROMIC® mod. HD-V2
I sistemi dosimetrici a film radiocromici vengono utilizzati nelle misure della dose assorbita da vari materiali sottoposti a radiazioni ionizzanti, nei quali avvengono reazioni chimiche che intensificano le bande ottiche d’assorbanza determinata, quest’ultima, tramite l’utilizzo di uno spettrofotometro. L’impiego di questi sistemi comporta una preliminare calibrazione degli stessi in riferimento a standard internazionali. La dose rilevata fa riferimento generalmente alla dose assorbita in acqua anche se è possibile determinare la stessa in altri materiali tramite opportuni fattori correttivi. L’interesse verso questi sistemi dosimetrici è relativo all’impiego in processi industriali d’irra…
Response of GAFChromic® HD-V2 film dosimeter in 10-300 Gy dose range for radiation testing of electronic devices
The study reported in this paper aimed to investigate the response of a GAFChromic? HD-V2 film dosimeter in the dose range between 10 and 300 Gy, normally used to perform irradiation tests on electronic devices with a 60Co gamma-ray irradiator. The well-defined linearity of response in terms of absorbance as a function of absorbed dose, easiness of handling and data analysis of irradiated dosimeters, reproducibility, stability, and insensitivity to visible light and most of the environmental parameters, make HD-V2 film a flexible, inexpensive and reliable dose measurement device. The study has shown a fogging effect of the dosimeter response since its value changes over time. Strategies and…
Efficientamento energetico di utenze domestiche nelle isole minori italiane
L’articolo tratta l’efficientamento energetico nel settore residenziale delle piccole isole non connesse alla rete di trasmissione elettrica nazionale. L’analisi ha riguardato un’utenza tipo dell’Isola di Lampedusa, individuata sulla base dei dati statistici ISTAT, di cui sono stati acquisiti i dati di consumo da bolletta e monitorati i consumi elettrici al fine di selezionare gli interventi di retrofit più adeguati. Fra questi vi sono: la sostituzione degli scalda-acqua elettrici esistenti e il ricorso a tecnologie di Building Automation Control system (BACs) per la gestione dell’impianto di illuminazione e di altri carichi elettrici flessibili. La valutazione dei risparmi conseguibili è s…
A new tool to process forecast meteorological data for atmospheric pollution dispersion simulations of accident scenarios: A Sicily-based case study
Emergency response plans to mitigate the severity of the accidental release of hazardous compounds in the air have become a primary concern in view of the many adverse events occurred over the years in high-risk plants. To do this, an accurate estimate of forecast meteorological data to be used in dispersion models can be very useful to respond in advance to emergency situations. In this field, FORCALM is a new tool developed to elaborate European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts data on a 3D computational domain with a high-resolution grid. FORCALM data can be used to perform predictive simulations of impacts on local and regional levels by using CALPUFF modelling system. A case s…
Solar and Heat Pump Systems for Domestic Hot Water Production on a Small Island: The Case Study of Lampedusa
The achievement of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, related to energy and resource use, is a critical issue for small and insulated communities. In many minor islands, solar energy is not correctly exploited, and electrical heaters are connected to weak grids with very a high share of generation by fossil fuels. As a consequence, there is the necessity to assess the potential and the suitability of diffusion of alternative systems to avoid dependency on the electrical grid and reduce carbon emissions. This paper aims to evaluate the technical and economic performances of some alternative systems exploiting renewable energy for domestic hot water production. Four different syste…
With the rapid growth of energy consumption in the building sector and the consequent necessity to develop energy efficiency strategies, the application of heat pump systems seems to be a competitive solution to improve energy efficiency. In particular, air-source heat pump (ASHP) systems assisted by solar energy have drawn great attention, owing to their great feasibility in buildings for space heating/cooling and hot ater production purposes. The complementation system between solar and air energy can solve the poor performance of the air source heat pump under low-temperature conditions and can also make up for the shortcoming of the solar collector as an unstable energy source. Both sol…
A new preprocessing tool of ECMWF data for CALMET forecasting simulations
Today, strategies for emergency preparedness, in presence of accidental scenarios in high-risk plants with releases into the atmosphere, have become a priority. To achieve this goal, it is important to have forecast meteorological data in local areas to use in dispersion and transport models and so to respond in advance emergency situations. The paper reports results of research performed to develop a new tool, called FORCALM that is capable to elaborate European Centre for Medium-Range Forecasts (ECMWF) forecast data to use for simulations by CALMET/CALPUFF modeling system. A case study, relevant to an accident occurred in Mediterranean Refinery at Milazzo (Italy), has been examined to val…