Pl San Biagio

Fibrillogenesis of hen egg-white lysozyme at acidic pH

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Studio preliminare sulle caratteristiche qualitative e salutistiche di 4 cultivar di mango (Mangifera indica L.) coltivate in Sicilia.

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Insulin Nanogels: a New Strategy for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease

A growing body of evidence shows that Insulin, Insulin Receptor (IR) and IR signaling are involved in brain cognitive functions and their dysfunction is implicated in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) degeneration. Thus, administration of insulin could be a strategy for AD treatment. For this aim we have designed, synthesized and characterized a nanogel system (NG) to deliver insulin to the brain, as a tool for the development of a new therapy for AD. A carboxyl-functionalized poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) nanogel system produced by ionizing radiation was chosen as substrate for the covalent attachment of insulin or fluorescent molecules relevant for its characterization. Biocompatibility of the naked c…

research product

Naso Elettonico con sensori MOS per discriminare 3 cultivar di Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.

research product

Pre-aggregates characterization and viscoelastic studies of BSA cold gels induced by metal ions

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research product

Influence of exogenous and endogenous ions on the properties of BSA

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Naso elettronico con sensori Mos per discriminare 3 cultivar di Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.

research product

Attività antifungina e composizione chimica di oli essenziali estratti da agrumi coltivati in Sicilia.

Risulta comprovata nell’industria agroalimentare l’efficacia di oli essenziali di agrumi quale tecnologia per esaltare la sapidità di cibi e bevande. Ad oggi, il rinnovato interesse verso gli oli essenziali deriva dalle loro proprietà antibatteriche ed antifungine, che possono trovare ampia applicazione in sistemi hurdle-technology ai fini di prolungare la shelf-life di agroprodotti, specie in cibi minimally-processed e di IV gamma. Infatti, la necessità di ricercare nuove sostanze non di sintesi con proprietà antimicrobiche deriva dai cambiamenti legislativi in campo alimentare, dalla tendenza dei consumatori ad acquistare cibi processati naturalmente e dalla crescente resistenza dei patog…

research product

High energy radiation processing for the synthesis of insulin nanocarriers for the development of a new strategy for the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease

Nanogels are nanoscalar polymeric networks, characterized by a dynamic internal structure and a flexible adaptive shape. When they are used as drug carriers, their flexibility and shape changing ability can facilitate the bypass of biological barriers, ensure protection of the payload and enable interaction of any attached ligand with its receptors. Poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone)-co-acrylic acid nanogels (NGs) have been produced by ebeam irradiation of diluted aqueous solutions of a water-soluble polymer in the presence of a small amount of acrylic acid. In particular, industrial accelerators and the typical set-ups and doses applied for sterilization have been used. [1, 2] Particle size, molecu…

research product

Seasonal variations of antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of Citrus limon L. Burm. spp. essential oils

The interest towards the application of essential oils (EOs) is increasing due to the antimicrobial potential to be used as “natural” alternative to the chemical preservation of foods [1]. EOs are aromatic oily liquids produced as secondary metabolites in various plants exerting different biological properties, such as antibacterial, antiviral, antimycotic and insecticidal. EOs are complex mixtures of lipophilic substances and the chemical composition, thereby the biological activities, is influenced by the raw plant material (genotype, part of the plant, harvest time, geographical, ecological conditions and cultural techniques) and extraction method [2].

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research product

Effect of Total Apple Polyphenols Extract as Inhibitors of Amyloid Protein Aggregation

Effect of Total Apple Polyphenols Extract as Inhibitors of Amyloid Protein Aggregation By: Guarrasi, Valeria; Rappa, Cinzia Giacoma; Costa, Maria Assunta; et al. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY Volume: 52 Supplement: 1 Pages: S94-S94 Published: NOV-DEC 2018

research product

Discrimination of three Citrus paradisi Macf. cultivars by Electronic Nose Discrimination of three Citrus paradisi Macf. cultivars by Electronic Nose.

research product

Naïve Hsp60, similarly to GroEL, oligomerizes to build heptameric and tetradecameric structures.

research product

Sintesi di nanogeli per la veicolazione di insulina al cervello: una strategia per il trattamento della malattia di Alzheimer

I nanogeli sono nanoparticelle polimeriche reticolate idrofile. La struttura polimerica del nanogelo permette la coniugazione di molecole che possano esplicare azioni terapeutiche, diagnostiche e di indirizzamento attivo su siti bersaglio. Le caratteristiche di flessibilità e conformabilità del nanogelo, e delle sue maglie, ne favoriscono l’attraversamento delle barriere biologiche, l’interazione di eventuali ligandi esposti sulla superfice con i recettori target, un’azione protettiva nei confronti del principio attivo incorporato. L’irraggiamento con radiazioni ionizzanti di soluzioni acquose di polimeri è una metodologia sintetica interamente “water-based”, che garantisce rese elevate e c…

research product

Ab42 toxicity on Paracentrotus lividus development

research product

Entrapment of Aβ(1-40) peptide in unstructured aggregates

Recognizing the complexity of the fibrillogenesis process provides a solid ground for the development of therapeutic strategies aimed at preventing or inhibiting protein-protein aggregation. Under this perspective, it is meaningful to identify the possible aggregation pathways and their relative products. We found that Aβ-peptide dissolved in a pH 7.4 solution at small peptide concentration and low ionic strength forms globular aggregates without typical amyloid β-conformation. ThT binding kinetics was used to monitor aggregate formation. Circular dichroism spectroscopy, AFM imaging, static and dynamic light scattering were used for structural and morphological characterization of the aggre…

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