Dario Di Vincenzo
A markovian model as a tool for optimization of maintenance planning on the railway lines
This paper is designed to develop a procedure which defines a planning criterion for railway superstructure maintenance by means of Markov decision processes. This methodology allows to formulate a specific policy π which carries out the best configuration of budget allocation (min. Ф), and at the same time to guarantee the highest efficiency level in the railway superstructure. Thanks to the dynamic programming technique applied to decision processes, the report has examined the possibility of establishing the best management policy in order to maintain adequate safety levels of implementation and quality speed levels, in the presence of budget constraints, thus optimizing the available re…
Il riutilizzo dei materiali di scarto provenienti dai processi industriali di estrazione e lavorazione del marmo nella tecnica delle costruzioni stradali
Applicazione di processi decisionali per l’ottimizzazione degli interventi manutentivi sulle infrastrutture viarie
The globalization of markets regards many sectors in the E.U. and among them also the fruit and vegetable in the face of growing and increasingly intense competition exerted by the products of countries with emerging economies. But, at the same time, the globalization can also lead to the opening of new potential markets for the products, when and where the transport system, more than other things, appears to be efficient and effective and makes possible to reach the target markets in the shortest time possible and at the lowest possible cost. It is therefore very useful to create a model that takes into account hepeculiarities of the different modes of transport between the different origi…
The Rail Quality Index as an Indicator of the “Global Comfort” in Optimizing Safety, Quality and Efficiency in Railway Rails
AbstractThe proposed model uses the stochastic dynamic programming and in particular Markov decision processes applied to the Rail Quality Index (RQI - Italian Indice di Qualità del Binario, IQB).By performing the integrated analysis of the classes of variables which characterize the overall service quality (in terms of comfort and safety), the proposed mathematical approach allows to find the solutions to the decision-making process in function of the probability of deterioration of the state variables of the infrastructure over time and of the flow of available resources.
Reducing Air Pollutants through Road Innovative Intersections
Road pollutant emissions are correlated mainly to infrastructural capacity and to traffic intensity and typology. With the aim to improve road intersections performances in the last years was designed many new geometric layouts, like turbo roundabouts and flower roundabouts. The main objective of this paper is carried out a comparative analysis between conventional and innovative roundabouts in terms of CO, CO2, NO and PM2,5 vehicular emissions, evaluated by means of COPERT Software which is developed as a European tool for the calculation of emissions from the road transport sector.
This paper is designed to develop a procedure which defines a planning criterion for railway superstructure maintenance by means of Markov decision processes. This methodology allows to formulate a specific policy which carries out the best configuration of budget allocation (min. Ф), and at the same time to guarantee the highest efficiency level in the railway superstructure. Thanks to the dynamic programming technique applied to decision processes, the report has examined the possibility of establishing the best management policy in order to maintain adequate safety levels of implementation and quality speed levels, in the presence of budget constraints, thus optimizing the available re…
Riciclaggio resodui del marmo - L'uso del "ravaneto" nelle costruzioni stradali
L’importanza economica dell’attività di estrazione e lavorazione dei materiali lapidei di pregio, ha segnatamente marcato lo sviluppo territoriale di aree della regione Sicilia concentrate per lo più nelle due province di Trapani e Catania. Alla elevata quantità estratta non ha corrisposto però una adeguata strategia di pianificazione per la salvaguardia ambientale specificatamente connessa ai materiali inerti da impiegare nel settore delle costruzioni. Infatti, sebbene l’estrazione dei materiali lapidei di pregio genera quantità di materie residuali per lo più non utilizzate pari a circa il 70-80 % del totale estratto, ancora oggi vengono coltivate cave di inerti per l’impiego nel settore …
A Stochastic Decision Process Model for Optimization of Railway and Tramway Track Maintenance by means of Image Processing Technique
One of the key targets for an efficient transport network management is the search for proper maintenance policies to guarantee acceptable safety and quality standards in the travel and to optimize available resource allocation. Methodologically, the proposed model presented in this paper uses the stochastic dynamic programming and in particular Markov decision processes applied to the rail wear conditions for the railway and tramway network. By performing the integrated analysis of the classes of variables which characterize the rail quality (in terms of safety), the proposed mathematical approach allows to find the solutions to the decision-making process related to the probability of det…
A Logic Fuzzy Model for Evaluation of the Railway Station’s Practice Capacity in Safety Operating Conditions
Abstract The practice capacity of a railway junction depends, in addition to the effective operation’s conditions, by the potential risk factors related to the design plan of the railway station. With the aim of an approach based on the “fuzzy sets” it is possible to determine the numeric value of the practice capacity by the logic - qualitative relations between the features of the railway junction and the potential risk factors. This methodology permits to try out the absolute value of a suitable vector β, (less then the unit) for the utilization of the theoretic capacity in conditions of maximum reliability of the system related to the aspect of safety (technique “fail safe”).
Gestione e diagnostica della sovrastruttura ferroviaria. Un caso studio: la linea Palermo-Messina
The global comfort criteria as a tool for the optimization of the safety, quality and efficiency in the railway tracks.
From the results of some memories already introduced in the VI International Conference of "Stochastic Geometry, Convex Bodies, Empirical Measure & Applications To Mechanics And Engineering Of Train-Transport", it’s improved now a criteria, based on global comfort analyses , that allows to optimize the safety of the exercise, the quality and the economic efficiency into the available resources.