G. Longo
L'efficacia territoriale delle costituzioni imperiali nella tarda antichità. La questione del dualismo legislativo da Diocleziano al Codex Theodosianus.
Il periodo temporale in cui si inserisce il tema trattato è quello tardoimperiale (dalla fine del III secolo alla metà del V secolo d.C.). A seguito della riorganizzazione amministrativa dell'impero in una pars Occidentis e in una pars Orientis, rette da due imperatori, la dottrina si è posta il problema dell'efficacia territoriale delle leges generales nello spazio e, in particolare, se la lex generalis di un Augusto fosse efficace soltanto nei territori governati da quest'ultimo o se lo fosse (e in che modo, cioè ipso iure o previo atto di ricezione e conferma) anche nei territori retti dal collega. Questo è il problema del dualismo legislativo. Attraverso l'esame di un gran numero di cos…
Cytology, Histology and Histochemistry
LOFT: the Large Observatory For X-ray Timing
The LOFT mission concept is one of four candidates selected by ESA for the M3 launch opportunity as Medium Size missions of the Cosmic Vision programme. The launch window is currently planned for between 2022 and 2024. LOFT is designed to exploit the diagnostics of rapid X-ray flux and spectral variability that directly probe the motion of matter down to distances very close to black holes and neutron stars, as well as the physical state of ultra-dense matter. These primary science goals will be addressed by a payload composed of a Large Area Detector (LAD) and a Wide Field Monitor (WFM). The LAD is a collimated (<1 degree field of view) experiment operating in the energy range 2-50 keV,…
Conceptual design of bowstring bridges with steel-concrete composite deck
The behaviour of tied-arch (bowstring) bridges is very sensitive to the conceptual design of arch and deck. The geometry of the arch shape and the arch-tie joint as well as the construction sequence can modify the global behaviour. When the arch geometry moves away from the anti-funicular shape, bending moments appear in the arch and in the deck even for dead loads; additional bending moments can increase the total value of tension in the deck becoming critical for a composite deck because of possible cracking of the upper concrete slab. The conceptual design of tied arches with composite deck is presented here, in order to reduce the danger of concrete slab cracking and the amount of reinf…
Role of Hemodynamic Forces in Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms: An Overview of a Complex Scenario.
Background An understanding of the natural history of unruptured intracranial aneurysms (IAs) has always played a critical role in presurgical or endovascular planning, to avoid possibly fatal events. Size, shape, morphology, and location are known risk factors for rupture of an aneurysm, but morphologic parameters alone may not be sufficient to perform proper rupture risk stratification. Methods We performed a systematic PubMed search and focused on hemodynamics forces that may influence aneurysmal initiation, growth, and rupture. Results We included 223 studies describing several hemodynamic parameters related to aneurysm natural history. In these studies, different modalities of aneurysm…
Polyalbumin receptors, hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), and HBsAg/IgM complexes in HBsAg positive patients with and without delta superinfection.
Receptors for polymerized human albumin are found at high litres during high-level hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication and in small amounts in chronic low-level infection. Complexes between hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and IgM without specificity for HbsAg are expressed in a pattern similar to that of receptors. Anti-albumin antibodies could be involved in their formation. Delta infection depresses the synthesis of gene products of HBV. To assess whether delta modifies the expression of receptors on HBsAg and the level of HBsAg/IgM complexes, and if anti-albumin antibodies are actually part of the complex, we tested sera from 86 subjects with acute and chronic HBV infection. Our find…
Familiar clustering and spreading of hepatitis delta virus infection
The prevalence of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) infection was significantly higher among the relatives of 79 carriers of HBsAg with antibody to HDV (index cases) than among relatives of 111 carriers without serological evidence of HDV infection (controls). Antibody to HDV was found in 45 of the 80 (56%) carriers of HBsAg in families of index cases but only in 2 of 59 (3%) carriers in families of controls (P less than 0.0001). During follow-up new HDV infection developed in 31% of 13 susceptible carriers in families of index cases, but only in 1.2% of 162 susceptible carriers in families of controls (P less than 0.001). None of the family members previously unexposed to the hepatitis B virus h…
Risk of surgical site infections following hip and knee arthroplasty: Results of the ischia-gisio study
Surgical Site Infection (SSI) is one of the major complications following insertion of hip or knee prosthesis. The aim of the present study was to describe rates of SSIs and associated risk factors during hip and knee prosthesis procedures in Italian hospitals. METHODS: Italian hospitals were invited to join the ISChIA (Surgical Site Infections in Arthroplasty Surgery) project and participated in the study on a voluntary basis. SSI surveillance was performed according to the Hospitals in Europe Link for Infection Control through Surveillance (HELICS) -SSI protocol. The study population consisted of all patients who had a prosthetic knee or hip joint replacement between March 2010 and Februa…