ÁNgel Soler

Human capital in Spain and its distribution by provinces (1964-2013)

The regularly-updated database “Human capital in Spain and its distribution by provinces” provides information about the accumulation of human capital in Spain over the last five decades. The human capital estimates included in this database contain a wide range of information on how education levels in Spain have evolved, classified according to the level of studies completed and other human capital indicators. The database includes information that has been updated until the second trimester of 2013. It can be accessed at http://www.ivie.es/en/banco/caphum/series.php.

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Higher Education as Modulator of Gender Inequalities: Evidence of the Spanish Case

Raising educational levels may help to reduce inequalities between men and women in certain social and economic aspects. Using statistics for Spain, we analyse labour market behaviours such as the rates of activity and unemployment by sex according to the educational level. The results reveal that the differences between men and women decrease as the educational level increases. In particular, the modulator effect of education is very important at the higher level, where differences in labour market behaviour between men and women with an university education almost disappear, except in terms of salaries. Nevertheless, it can be seen that the current economic crisis has reduced the modulato…

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Gender differences in the intergenerational transmission of education in Spain: the role of parents’ employment status and education

This article examines the influence of parents’ education and employment status on the attained educational level of their children with special reference to gender differences. Our study analysed ...

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Improving educational resilience in the OECD countries: Two convergent paths

Abstract While equality of opportunity in education has been studied, the literature mainly focuses on academic performance and its determinants. Thus, to help fill this gap, this paper identifies the factors that contribute to improving equality of opportunity and the policies that should be implemented to achieve it. This work is novel in various ways. First, it defines student resilience in a new way using multilevel models applied to two groups of countries. Second, it analyses the determinants of equality of opportunity in the OECD and makes economic policy recommendations. Using the PISA waves from 2003 to 2018, our results show that uniform economic policies should not be pursued acr…

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Higher education institutions, economic growth and GDP per capita in European Union countries

This paper presents an estimation of the contribution of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to economic growth and the Gross Domestic Product per capita of the European (EU) countries over the pe...

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Ronda de preguntas a los ponentes Margarita García Sanchis (Universitat de Valencia) y Ángel Soler (Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas)

Ronda de preguntas a los ponentes Margarita García Sanchis (Universitat de València) y Ángel Soler (Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas), en el marco de la III. Jornada sobre la dimensión social de la Educación Universitaria en España. Producción:CREAM (htto://cream.uv.es)-SFPIE (www.uv.es/sfpie)-VLC Campus.

research product

El papel de la educación universitaria en la reducción de las desigualdades.

Ángel Soler, del Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas, presenta su ponencia titulada 'El papel de la educación universitaria en la reducción de las desigualdades' en el marco de la III. Jornada sobre la dimensión social de la Educación Universitaria en España. Producción:CREAM (htto://cream.uv.es)-SFPIE (www.uv.es/sfpie)-VLC Campus

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