Ferdinad Erdman Stoll
Moricsalā fiksētas Amanita eliae zīmējums
Watercolor by Ferdinand Erdman Stolla (1874 – 1966) of the rarely found in Latvia Amanita eliae. The mushroom was found in a small meadow under an oak tree. A drawing from F. E. Štoll's collection of mushroom pictures, which is kept in the Botany and Mycology collections of Museum of the University of Latvia.
Coprinus dunarum (Dünen-Tintling) in Wanderdüne bei Langesciem (Fotografiert in Jahre 1925, 1926, 1929)
Coprinus dunarum (Dünen-Tintling) in Dünamünde Pastorat Wanderdüne bei Langesciem
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