Samantha Scherbaum

Additional file 1 of Diversity, evolution, and function of myriapod hemocyanins

Table S1. List of primer sequences used in this study. (PDF 64 kb)

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Additional file 6: of Diversity, evolution, and function of myriapod hemocyanins

Table S3. Expression of hemocyanin subunit mRNA in myriapods. (PDF 72 kb)

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Structure, diversity and evolution of myriapod hemocyanins

Oxygen transport in the hemolymph of many arthropods is mediated by hemocyanins, large copper-containing proteins that are well-studied in Chelicerata and Crustacea, but had long been considered unnecessary in the subphylum of Myriapoda. Only recently has it become evident that hemocyanins are present in Scutigeromorpha (Chilopoda) and Spirostreptida (Diplopoda). Here we present evidence for a more widespread occurrence of hemocyanin in the myriapods. By means of RT-PCR, western blotting and database searches, hemocyanins were identified in the symphylans Hanseniella audax and Symphylella vulgaris, the chilopod Scolopendra subspinipes dehaani and the diplopod Polydesmus angustus. No hemocya…

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Additional file 2 of Diversity, evolution, and function of myriapod hemocyanins

Table S2. List of sequences used in this study. (DOCX 24 kb)

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Diversity, evolution, and function of myriapod hemocyanins.

Background Hemocyanin transports O2 in the hemolymph of many arthropod species. Such respiratory proteins have long been considered unnecessary in Myriapoda. As a result, the presence of hemocyanin in Myriapoda has long been overlooked. We analyzed transcriptome and genome sequences from all major myriapod taxa – Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Symphyla, and Pauropoda – with the aim of identifying hemocyanin-like proteins. Results We investigated the genomes and transcriptomes of 56 myriapod species and identified 46 novel full-length hemocyanin subunit sequences in 20 species of Chilopoda, Diplopoda, and Symphyla, but not Pauropoda. We found in Cleidogona sp. (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida) a hemocyanin-…

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Additional file 3: of Diversity, evolution, and function of myriapod hemocyanins

Figure S1. Multiple sequence alignment of myriapod hemocyanins and phenoloxidases in FASTA format. (PDF 101 kb)

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Additional file 4: of Diversity, evolution, and function of myriapod hemocyanins

Data S1. Nucleotide sequences of the Hc and PPO cDNAs and gene identified in this study. (ZIP 81 kb)

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Additional file 5: of Diversity, evolution, and function of myriapod hemocyanins

Figure S2. The mRNA levels of Hc subunits were determined by RNA-Seq based on the transcriptomes (Table 1) and displayed as log RPKM values. (TIF 3 mb)

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