V. Ilardi

Phytosociological analysis of the Genista sp. pl. garrigues of the Cisto-Lavanduletea and Rosmarinetea officinalis classes in the South-Tyrrhenian area (Mediterranean Region)

The study reviews the Genista sp. pl. garrigues ascribable to the classes Cisto-Lavanduletea (acidophilous communities on volcanics and quartzarenites) and Rosmarinetea officinalis (basiphilous communities on calcareous and calcareous-dolomite substrates), in the southern territories of the Italo-Tyrrhenian Province. The floristic-synecological characterization of the identified coenoses led to the description and/or redefinition of various new syntaxa. They are distributed in the two new suballiances Calicotomo villosae–Genistenion tyrrhenae and Genisto aristatae–Calicotomenion infestae of the class Cisto-Lavanduletea (Lavanduletalia stoechadis and Calicotomo villosae–Genistion tyrrhenae),…

research product

Phytosociological analysis of the Genista sp. pl. garrigues of the Cisto-Lavanduletea and Rosmarineteaofficinalis classes in the South-Tyrrhenian area (Mediterranean Region)

The study reviews the Genista sp. pl. garrigues ascribable to the classes Cisto-Lavanduletea (acidophilous communities on volcanics and quartzarenites) and Rosmarineteaofficinalis (basiphilous communities on calcareous and calcareous-dolomite substrates), in the southern territories of the Italo-Tyrrhenian Province. The floristic-synecological characterization of the identified coenoses led to the description and/or redefinition of various new syntaxa. They are distributed in the two new suballiances Calicotomovillosae–Genisteniontyrrhenae and Genistoaristatae–Calicotomenioninfestae of the class Cisto-Lavanduletea (Lavanduletaliastoechadis and Calicotomovillosae–Genistiontyrrhenae), and in …

research product