Adam Francis Henwood
Enhancing the photoluminescence quantum yields of blue-emitting cationic iridium(iii) complexes bearing bisphosphine ligands
EZ-C acknowledges the University of St Andrews for financial support. We thank Johnson Matthey and Umicore AG for the gift of materials and Cihang Yu for the preparation of isopropxantphos. We thank Dr. Nail Shaveleev for the synthesis of NMS25. IDWS and AKB acknowledge support from EPSRC (EP/J01771X). This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) MAT2014-55200. Herein we present a structure-property relationship study of thirteen cationic iridium (III) complexes of the form of [Ir(C^N)2(P^P)]PF6 in both solution and the solid state through systematic evaluation of six bisphosphine (P^P) ligands (xantphos, dpephos, dppe, Dppe, nixantphos and is…