G. Micela

X-ray flares of the young planet host DS Tuc A

Abridged. We observed the 40 Myr old star DS Tuc A with XMM-Newton and recorded two X-ray bright flares, with the second event occurring about 12 ks after the first one. Their duration from the rise to the end of the decay was of about 8-10 ks in soft X-rays (0.3-10 keV). The flares were also recorded in the band 200-300 nm with the UVM2 filter of the Optical Monitor. The duration of the flares in UV was about 3 ks. The observed delay between the peak in the UV band and in X-rays is a probe of the heating phase followed by the evaporation and increase of density and emission measure of the flaring loop. The coronal plasma temperature at the two flare peaks reached 54-55 MK. The diagnostics …

research product

X-ray observations of the young open cluster Blanco 1. The XMM-Newton view

We present the analysis of a 50 ks XMM-Newton observation of the young, metal-rich open cluster Blanco 1. In the sum of EPIC MOS 1, MOS 2 and pn data we have detected 190 X-ray sources, 36 of them having as cluster member as optical counterparts. We have analyzed the X-ray spectra and time variability of the light curves of the cluster sources. Coronal spectra of solar mass stars are characterized by two thermal components at 0.3 and 1.0 keV, with comparable emission measure. One late-A type member shows a coronal spectrum remarkably different from that of solar-type members, thus suggesting an intrinsic difference in the corona production mechanism. The X-ray luminosity distribution of M-t…

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Stars with circumstellar disks in NGC~6611

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XMM-Newton observations of the Upper Scorpius association

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The nearest X-ray emitting protostellar jet observed with HST

The HH 154 jet coming from the YSO binary L1551 IRS5 is one of the closest (about 150 pc) astrophysical jet known. It is therefore a unique laboratory for studies of outflow mechanisms and of the shocks forming at the interaction front between the expanding material and the ambient medium. The substructures (knots) observed within the HH 154 jet were imaged in several spectral bands using the Hubble Space Telescope. This allows us to derive a simple characterization of the physical conditions in different structures as well as to measure the proper motion of the knots in the jet, their flux variability and shock emission over a time base of about ten years. These knots in the jet undergo si…

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The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey

The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey has begun and will obtain high quality spectroscopy of some 100000 Milky Way stars, in the field and in open clusters, down to magnitude 19, systematically covering all the major components of the Milky Way. This survey will provide the first homogeneous overview of the distributions of kinematics and chemical element abundances in the Galaxy. The motivation, organisation and implementation of the Gaia-ESO Survey are described, emphasising the complementarity with the ESA Gaia mission. Spectra from the very first observing run of the survey are presented.

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The NHXM observatory

Exploration of the X-ray sky has established X-ray astronomy as a fundamental astrophysical discipline. While our knowledge of the sky below 10 keV has increased dramatically (∼8 orders of magnitude) by use of grazing incidence optics, we still await a similar improvement above 10 keV, where to date only collimated instruments have been used. Also ripe for exploration is the field of X-ray polarimetry, an unused fundamental tool to understand the physics and morphology of X-ray sources. Here we present a novel mission, the New Hard X-ray Mission (NHXM) that brings together for the first time simultaneous high-sensitivity, hard-X-ray imaging, broadband spectroscopy and polarimetry. NHXM will…

research product

Modeling the long duration rise phase of a flare detected on the M star TWA 11 B

We present preliminary results from the analysis of a long duration flare that was observed in a serendipitous XMM-Newton detection of the M star CD-39 7717 B (TWA 11 B), member of the young stellar association TW Hya. Only the rise phase (with a duration of ~35 ks) and possibly the flare peak are present in the light-curve. The decay phase was not monitored. The fluorescent iron emission line at 6.4 keV was observed during this event. As far as we are concerned, since TWA 11 B seems to have no disk, this is only the third detection of Fe photospheric fluorescence. During the flare, the X-ray flux increased a factor of ~4. Taking the light curve and the evolution of the hardness ratio into …

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Analysis of the planetary mass uncertainties on the accuracy of atmospherical retrieval

Characterising the properties of exoplanet atmospheres relies on several interconnected parameters, which makes it difficult to determine them independently. Planetary mass plays a role in determining the scale height of atmospheres, similarly to the contribution from the average molecular weight of the gas. We investigate the relevance of planetary mass knowledge in spectral retrievals, identifying cases where mass measurements are needed for clear or cloudy and primary or secondary atmospheres, along with the relevant precision, in the context of the ESA M4 Ariel Mission. We used TauREx to simulate the Ariel transmission spectra of representative targets of the Ariel mission reference sam…

research product

The enigmatic young brown dwarf binary FU Tau: accretion and activity

FU Tau belongs to a rare class of young, wide brown dwarf binaries. We have resolved the system in a Chandra X-ray observation and detected only the primary, FU Tau A. Hard X-ray emission, presumably from a corona, is present but, unexpectedly, we detect also a strong and unusually soft component from FU Tau A. Its X-ray properties, so far unique among brown dwarfs, are very similar to those of the T Tauri star TW Hya. The analogy with TW Hya suggests that the dominating soft X-ray component can be explained by emission from accretion shocks. However, the typical free-fall velocities of a brown dwarf are too low for an interpretation of the observed X-ray temperature as post-shock region. O…

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Simbol-X capability of detecting the non-thermal emission of stellar flares.

We investigate the capability of detecting, with Simbol-X, non-thermal emission during stellar flares, and distinguishing it from hot thermal emission. We find that flare non-thermal emission is detectable when at least ~20 cts are detected with the CZT detector in the 20-80 keV band. Therefore Simbol-X will detect the non-thermal emission from some of the X-ray brightest nearby stars, whether the thermal vs. non-thermal relation, derived for solar flares, holds.

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The Deep Rho Ophiuchi XMM-Newton Observation (DROXO)

International audience; We present the X-ray data and the analysis status of the DROXO (Deep Rho Oph XMM-Newton Observation) project, aimed to mainly characterize the spectro-variability properties of YSOs in the nearby and very young ρ Oph star forming region. We focus on a few selected initial scientific results for few interesting YSOs, such as Elias 29 and YLW16A. In Elias 29 we see the 6.4 keV fluorescent Fe line as already reported in literature, whereas in YLW16A we do not detect the fluorescent line at odd with previous findings. Hence we conclude that the line intensity does change with time (and/or physical conditions).

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The Gaia-ESO Survey: Structural and dynamical properties of the young cluster Chamaeleon i

Investigating the physical mechanisms driving the dynamical evolution of young star clusters is fundamental to our understanding of the star formation process and the properties of the Galactic field stars. The young (~2 Myr) and partially embedded cluster Chamaeleon I is one of the closest laboratories for the study of the early stages of star cluster dynamics in a low-density environment. The aim of this work is to study the structural and kinematical properties of this cluster combining parameters from the high-resolution spectroscopic observations of the Gaia-ESO Survey with data from the literature. Our main result is the evidence of a large discrepancy between the velocity dispersion …

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A survey of young stars in the Taurus Molecular Cloud with XMM-Newton

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CSI 2264: Simultaneous optical and X-ray variability in the pre-main sequence stars of NGC 2264

Context. Pre-main sequence stars are variable sources. In diskless stars this variability is mainly due to the rotational modulation of dark photospheric spots and active regions, as in main sequence stars even if associated with a stronger magnetic activity.Aims. We aim at analyzing the simultaneous optical and X-ray variability in these stars to unveil how the activity in the photosphere is connected with that in the corona, to identify the dominant surface magnetic activity, and to correlate our results with stellar properties, such as rotation and mass.Methods. We analyzed the simultaneous optical and X-ray variability in stars without inner disks (e.g., class III objects and stars with…

research product

The Gaia-ESO Survey: membership and initial mass function of the. Velorum cluster

Understanding the properties of young open clusters, such as the Initial Mass Function (IMF), star formation history and dynamic evolution, is crucial to obtain reliable theoretical predictions of the mechanisms involved in the star formation process. We want to obtain a list, as complete as possible, of confirmed members of the young open cluster Gamma Velorum, with the aim of deriving general cluster properties such as the IMF. We used all available spectroscopic membership indicators within the Gaia-ESO public archive together with literature photometry and X-ray data and, for each method, we derived the most complete list of candidate cluster members. Then, we considered photometry, gra…

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BVI & JHK photometry of NGC 3960

VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'Parameter properties and stellar population of the old open cluster NGC 3960.' (bibcode: 2004A&A...417..945P)

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YSOs in DROXO (Deep rho Oph XMM obs.)

X-rays from very young stars are powerful probes to investigate the mechanisms at work in the very first stages of the star formation and the origin of X-ray emission in very young stars. We present results from a 500ks long observation of the rho Ophiuchi cloud with a XMM-Newton large program named DROXO, aiming at studying the X-ray emission of deeply embedded young stellar objects (YSOs). Cone search capability for table J/A+A/519/A34/tablea1 (List of sources detected in the DROXO EPIC images) Cone search capability for table J/A+A/519/A34/tablea3 (ISOCAM YSOs (Bontemps et al. 2001, J/A+A/372/173) undetected in the DROXO field of view)

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Gamma Vel cluster membership and IMF

Understanding the properties of young open clusters, such as the Initial Mass Function (IMF), star formation history and dynamic evolution, is crucial to obtain reliable theoretical predictions of the mechanisms involved in the star formation process. We want to obtain a list, as complete as possible, of confirmed members of the young open cluster Gamma Velorum, with the aim of deriving general cluster properties such as the IMF. We used all available spectroscopic membership indicators within the Gaia-ESO public archive together with literature photometry and X-ray data and, for each method, we derived the most complete list of candidate cluster members. Then, we considered photometry, gra…

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XMM survey of NGC 2516

VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'Deep X-ray survey of the young open cluster NGC 2516 with XMM-Newton.' (bibcode: 2006A&A...450..993P)

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Mapping accretion variability in NGC 2264

Our study aims at characterizing the accretion properties of several hundred members of the star-forming region NGC 2264 (3Myr). We performed a deep u,g,r,i mapping of the cluster with CFHT/MegaCam, and monitored the simultaneous u+r variability of its members over a baseline of two weeks. Stellar parameters are determined homogeneously for about 750 monitored young objects, 40% of which are accreting T Tauri stars. Accretion properties and accretion variability are investigated and characterized from UV excess measurements. Non-accreting members of the cluster define the reference UV emission level over which flux excess is detected and measured. Cone search capability for table J/A+A/570/…

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Star formation region NGC 6530

We present astrometry and BVI photometry, down to V~22, of the very young open cluster NGC 6530, obtained from observations taken with the Wide Field Imager camera at the MPG/ESO 2.2m Telescope. We have positionally matched our optical catalog with the list of X-ray sources found in a Chandra-ACIS observation, finding a total of 828 common stars, 90% of which are pre-main sequence stars in NGC 6530. Cone search capability for table J/A+A/430/941/table4 (Cross-identifications of this catalog with the previous works of Walker (1957ApJ...125..636W), Kilambi (1977MNRAS.178..423K) and Sung et al. (2000, Cat. )) Cone search capability for table J/A+A/430/941/table5 (Cross-identifications of the o…

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UV variability and accretion in NGC 2264

Photometric variability is a distinctive feature of young stellar objects; exploring variability signatures at different wavelengths provides insight into the physical processes at work in these sources. We explore the variability signatures at ultraviolet (UV) and optical wavelengths for several hundred accreting and non-accreting members of the star-forming region NGC 2264 (~3Myr). Cone search capability for table J/A+A/581/A66/table2 (Median photometry, variability amplitudes, light curve rms, J index, and color slopes for members monitored at CFHT)

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XMM-Newton survey of two Upper Scorpius regions

We studied X-ray emission from young stars by analyzing the deep XMM-Newton observations of two regions of the Upper Scorpius association with an age of 5Myr. Based on near infrared and optical photometry we identified 22 Upper Scorpius photometric members among the 224 detected X-ray sources. We derived coronal properties of Upper Scorpius stars by performing X-ray spectral and timing analyses. The study of four strong and isolated stellar flares allowed us to derive the length of the flaring loops. Cone search capability for table J/A+A/459/199/tableb1 (Sources detected in the CTIO observations) Cone search capability for table J/A+A/459/199/tablec1 (Sources detected in the Danish 1.54m o…

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PMS stars in h Per

VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'Supersaturation and activity-rotation relation in PMS stars: the young cluster h Per.' (bibcode: 2016A&A...589A.113A)

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Infrated photometry of NGC 1893

The independence of the star formation processes with respect to the environmental conditions is controversial. In particular it is not clear whether star formation in the outer Galaxy, where the environmental conditions are, theoretically, less conducive, occurs in the same way as in the inner Galaxy. We investigate the population of NGC 1893, a young cluster (~3-4Myr) in the outer part of the Galaxy (galactic radius >11kpc) in order to explore the effects of environmental conditions on star forming regions. We present the infrared observations obtained with the IRAC camera on board of the Spitzer Space Telescope and analyze the color-color diagrams to establish the membership of stars wit…

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Stars associated to Eagle Nebula (M16=NGC6611)

Massive star-forming regions are characterized by intense ionizing fluxes, strong stellar winds and, occasionally, supernovae explosions, all of which have important effects on the surrounding media, on the star-formation process and on the evolution of young stars and their circumstellar disks. We present a multiband study of the massive young cluster NGC 6611 and its parental cloud (the Eagle Nebula) with the aim of studying how OB stars affect the early stellar evolution and the formation of other stars. We search for evidence of triggering of star formation by the massive stars inside NGC 6611 on a large spatial scale (~10 parsec) and ongoing disk photoevaporation in NGC 6611 and how it…

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BVI photometry in NGC 6611

VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'Correlation between the spatial distribution of circumstellar disks and massive stars in the open cluster NGC 6611. Compiled catalog and cluster parameters.' (bibcode: 2007A&A...462..245G)

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XMM observations of NGC 2516 stars

We present the characteristics of the X-ray variability of stars in the cluster NGC 2516 as derived from XMM-Newton/EPIC/pn data. The X-ray variations on short (hours), medium (months), and long (years) time scales have been explored. We detected 303 distinct X-ray sources by analysing six EPIC/pn observations; 194 of them are members of the cluster. Stars of all spectral types, from the early-types to the late-M dwarfs, were detected. Cone search capability for table J/A+A/456/977/table2 (X-ray and optical properties of NGC 2516 members in the XMM-Newton/EPIC/pn observations having more than 25 counts.)

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Gaia-ESO Survey: Cha I members

Investigating the physical mechanisms driving the dynamical evolution of young star clusters is fundamental to our understanding of the star formation process and the properties of the Galactic field stars. The young (~2Myr) and partially embedded cluster Chamaeleon I is one of the closest laboratories to study the early stages of star cluster dynamics in a low-density environment. The aim of this work is to study the structural and kinematical properties of this cluster combining parameters from the high-resolution spectroscopic observations of the Gaia-ESO Survey with data from the literature. Our main result is the evidence of a large discrepancy between the velocity dispersion ({sigma}_…

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KELT-9b radial velocity curve

In the framework of the GAPS project, we observed the planet-hosting star KELT-9 (A-type star, vsini~110km/s) with the HARPS-N spectrograph at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. In this work we analyse the spectra and the extracted radial velocities, to constrain the physical parameters of the system and to detect the planetary atmosphere of KELT-9b. We extracted from the high-resolution optical spectra the mean stellar line profiles with an analysis based on the Least Square Deconvolution technique. Then, we computed the stellar radial velocities with a method optimized for fast rotators, by fitting the mean stellar line profile with a purely rotational profile instead of using a Gaussian f…

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X-ray sources in NGC 752

While observational evidence shows that most of the decline in a star's X-ray activity occurs between the age of the Hyades (~8x10^8yr) and that of the Sun, very little is known about the evolution of stellar activity between these ages. To gain information on the typical level of coronal activity at a star's intermediate age, we studied the X-ray emission from stars in the 1.9Gyr old open cluster NGC 752. We analysed a ~140ks Chandraobservation of NGC 752 and a ~50ks XMM-Newtonobservation of the same cluster. We detected 262 X-ray sources in the Chandra data and 145 sources in the XMM-Newton observation. Around 90% of the catalogued cluster members within Chandra's field-of-view are detect…

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ESPRESSO radial velocities of HE0107-5240

The vast majority of the known stars of ultra low metallicity ([Fe/H]<-4.5) are known to be enhanced in carbon, and belong to the 'low-carbon band' (A(C)=log(C/H)+12~7.6). It is generally, although not universally, accepted that this peculiar chemical composition reflects the chemical composition of the gas cloud out of which these stars were formed. The first ultra-metal-poor star discovered, HE 0107-5240, is also enhanced in carbon and belongs to the 'low-carbon band'. It has recently been claimed to be a long-period binary, based on radial velocity measurements. It has also been claimed that this binarity may explain its peculiar composition as being due to mass transfer to a former AGB …

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