Karina Stankevica

Sapropelis un tā izmantošanas iespējas

Sapropelis ir ar organiskajām vielām bagāti nogulumi, kas nogulsnējas ūdenstilpēs. Sapropeļa izplatība un plasas izmantosanas iespējas padara to par nozīmīgu dabas resursu, ko var izmantot lauksaimniecībā, dārzkopībā, mežsaimniecībā, lopkopībā, ķīmijas un celtniecības industrijā, balneoloģijā un kosmetoloģijā. Kopējie sapropeļa resursi Latvijā sastāda aptuveni 2 miljardus m3. Sī raksta mērķis ir aplūkot sapropeļa klasifikāciju, veidosanās apstākļus un izmantosanas jomas.

research product

Reconstruction of the Holocene palaeoenvironmental conditions accordingly to the multiproxy sedimentary records from Lake Pilvelis, Latvia

Abstract Reconstruction of the Holocene palaeoenvironment conditions in Southeastern Latvia is based on multiproxy records from Lake Pilvelis: pollen, plant macrofossil and microfossil analysis; loss-on-ignition (LOI) measurements; 14 C dating; humic substances content; humification index; and elemental composition of gyttja organic mass. The data complex obtained in the result of multiproxy studies of sediments in Lake Pilvelis indicates significant changes in the depositional environment during the lake development. Data from Lake Pilvelis show that the start of organic-rich sediments formation before approximately 9750 cal BP, when birch–pine forest dominated in the surrounding landscape…

research product

Data on physical and chemical characterization of wood combustion products derived at cogeneration power plants

The data presented in this article are related to the research paper “Granulation of fly ash and biochar with organic lake sediments – A way to sustainable utilization of waste from bioenergy production” [1] in the context of waste material investigation and possible valorization instead of disposal. This article provides a comprehensive chemical and physical characterization of wood combustion products – fly ashes, bottom ashes, mixed ashes and biochar. Multiple analytical techniques and methodology were exploited to investigate the composition of wood combustion products, among them a loss on ignition, potentiometry, colorimetry, X-ray diffractometry, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, indu…

research product

Manufacturing Risk Identification in the Steel Industry

The steel manufacturing industry is an inseparable part of the nuclear power plant construction project. This industry is a business full of dynamics, risks, and challenges. The implementation of risk management becomes an obligation that must be executed in managing this very complex project. In general, risk management in manufacturing includes steps to understand and identify potential problems that may occur, evaluate, monitor, and handle risks. The main risk management objectives are to prevent or minimize adverse effects due to unforeseen events through risk aversion or preparation of contingency plans related to those risks. This paper describes the identification of risk factors and…

research product

Sapropeļa kūdras, sapropeļa kokskaidu siltumizolācijas plāksnes un to īpašības

Siltumizolācijas materiāli, kuros par pildvielu tiktu izmantoti vietējie biomasas produkti, bet par saistvielu kalpotu dabiskas izcelsmes saistvielas, piemēram, sapropelis, uzskatāmi par inovatīviem un to pielietošana sekmētu ekoloģiskās būvniecības nozares attīstību. Šādu risinājumu izstrāde ir aktuāla, jo Latvijā ir ievērojami sapropeļa resursi, kuru izmantošanu kavē to nepietiekama izpēte un ekoloģiskās būvniecības nozares intensīva attīstība. Pētījuma mērķis ir iegūt sapropeļa-koksnes, kūdras-koksnes siltumizolācijas plāksnes, noteikt optimālās plātnes sastāva attiecības un raksturot iegūto plātņu īpašības. Veikto pētījumu rezultātā tika noteiktas siltumizolācijas materiālu paraugu mehā…

research product

Accumulation of metals and changes in composition of freshwater lake organic sediments during the Holocene

Abstract The distribution of metals in the strata of sediments deposited in the freshwater environment formed during the Holocene in the territory of Latvia has been studied rather insufficiently. Considering the large volume of accumulated organic matter in sediments, studies on the content of metallic elements in sediments can help to determine the peculiarities of the metal accumulation process in limnic systems and the biogeochemical cycling of metals. Lake Pilvelis, which is located in the eastern part of Latvia (the northern part of Europe), was selected as the main study site. Lake Pilvelis is a small lake of a glacial origin, and >90% of its depression is filled with organic-rich se…

research product

Sapropel as a Binder: Properties and Application Possibilities for Composite Materials

Recent development trends largely look for possibilities of a wider use of natural materials and local resources. In this perspective, the use of organic rich lake sediment - sapropel - as a binding material in line with other environmentally friendly filling materials can be considered as a challenge. Sapropel itself is a valuable resource with multiple areas of application, for example, medicine, veterinary, agriculture, livestock farming, balneology, cosmetic applications, construction, and its application options have been widely studied in the 20th century in the Baltic countries, Ukraine and Russia. Birch wood fibre and sanding dust, hemp shives, 'Aerosil' are used as a filler and thr…

research product

Valorization of Marine Waste: Use of Industrial By-Products and Beach Wrack Towards the Production of High Added-Value Products

Biomass is defined as organic matter from living organisms represented in all kingdoms. It is recognized to be an excellent source of proteins, polysaccharides and lipids and, as such, embodies a tailored feedstock for new products and processes to apply in green industries. The industrial processes focused on the valorization of terrestrial biomass are well established, but marine sources still represent an untapped resource. Oceans and seas occupy over 70% of the Earth’s surface and are used intensively in worldwide economies through the fishery industry, as logistical routes, for mining ores and exploitation of fossil fuels, among others. All these activities produce waste. The other sou…

research product

Trace Element Concentration and Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis in Blueberries and Bilberries: A Tool for Quality and Authenticity Control

Vaccinium genus berries—wild bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and cultivated highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)—are consumed worldwide, and their consumption has a trend of stable increase. Thus, considering their wide use in ethnomedicine, for juice and jam production, as functional food, as well as their use in preparations of extracts which have application potential in pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, studies regarding the composition of these berries are of special importance. The aim of this study is to characterise the elemental and isotopic composition, as well as variation in element concentration in bilberries gathered from different sites in Northern Europe…

research product

Granulation of fly ash and biochar with organic lake sediments – A way to sustainable utilization of waste from bioenergy production

Abstract The main waste generated during the thermochemical processes of biomass burning used for bioenergy production in cogeneration plants are ash and biochar which can be used as fertilizers in forestry and agriculture. However, several difficulties are attributed to possibilities of practical exploitation of ash and biochar due to the transporting, handling and mode of application. Granulation of energy generation waste has been shown in some circumstances as a cost-effective and environmentally friendly method. Production of granules (pellets) from wood ash and biochar leads to improved recycling and logistics of waste as well as helps to control and avoid undesirable environmental ef…

research product

Chemical Characteristics and Viability of Starter Cultures of Freeze–Dried Sweet Potato Extract–Supplemented Synbiotic Yogurt

The research aimed to determine the sucrose concentration as a cryoprotectant to obtain the chemical properties and the viability of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and Lactobasillus plantarum in the synbiotic yogurt. It adopted a one–factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) by including sucrose in concentrations from 0 %, 2.5 %, 5 % to 7.5 %, three replications. The results showed various sucrose concentrations significantly affected the yields of the purple sweet potato extract– supplemented synbiotic yogurt, reduction–sugar level, the total of LAB, and the total of L. plantarum before and after the freeze–drying process, no significant impact on the moisture content and total quantity of LAB…

research product

The Revival of Indonesian Skin Care Brands

Skincare business in Indonesia has been growing enormously in the last decade, with the coming of international brands and the struggling of local brands, to win the Indonesian customers. The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of country of origin to purchase decision through the brand image, and the impact of country of origin on customer satisfaction for local Indonesian skin care brands. As this research is using the quantitative approach, the data are collected by using questionnaires which are distributed to selected samples of 179 respondents. The respondents are chosen from the consumers of Indonesian brands of skin care products. The data are analyzed with SmartPLS sof…

research product

Data for: Accumulation of metals and changes in the composition of freshwater lake organic sediments during the Holocene

Distribution of metals in freshwater sediment strata formed during the Holocene in the territory of Latvia has been studied rather insufficiently. Considering the large volume of accumulated organic matter in sediments, studies of the content of metal elements in sediments can help to determine the peculiarities of metal accumulation process in limnic systems and biogeochemical cycling of metals. Lake Pilvelis, located in the eastern part of Latvia (the northern part of Europe), was selected as the study site. Lake Pilvelis is a small lake of a glacial origin, and more than 90% of its depression is filled with organic-rich sediments, such as gyttja or freshwater sapropel, with an average th…

research product