Alexander Giovannitti
Single and Multiple Additions of Dibenzoylmethane onto Buckminsterfullerene
A novel dibenzoylmethane-fullerene e,e,e-tris adduct was synthesized by the application of a variation of the Bingel–Hirsch conditions and characterized among others by X-ray crystallography. In addition, the corresponding hexakis adduct was detected by MALDI-TOF-MS analysis. Its existence was supported by density-functional-theory (DFT) computations. Furthermore a new synthesis of bis(benzoyl)methanofullerene was established, and its molecular structure was elucidated by X-ray crystallography. DFT computations reproduced the experimentally determined conformation and predict a low energy barrier for the rotation of the two benzoyl moieties.
Controlling the mode of operation of organic transistors through side chain engineering
Electrolyte-gated organic transistors offer low bias operation facilitated by direct contact of the transistor channel with an electrolyte. Their operation mode is generally defined by the dimensionality of charge transport, where a field-effect transistor allows for electrostatic charge accumulation at the electrolyte/semiconductor interface, whereas an organic electrochemical transistor (OECT) facilitates penetration of ions into the bulk of the channel, considered a slow process, leading to volumetric doping and electronic transport. Conducting polymer OECTs allow for fast switching and high currents through incorporation of excess, hygroscopic ionic phases, but operate in depletion mode…
Single and Multiple Additions of Dibenzoylmethane onto Buckminsterfullerene (Eur. J. Org. Chem. 35/2013)
CCDC 949721: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Alexander Giovannitti, Stefan M. Seifermann, Angela Bihlmeier, Thierry Muller, Filip Topic, Kari Rissanen, Martin Nieger, Wim Klopper, and Stefan Bräse|2013|Eur.J.Org.Chem.|2013|7907|doi:10.1002/ejoc.201301146
CCDC 949723: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Alexander Giovannitti, Stefan M. Seifermann, Angela Bihlmeier, Thierry Muller, Filip Topic, Kari Rissanen, Martin Nieger, Wim Klopper, and Stefan Bräse|2013|Eur.J.Org.Chem.|2013|7907|doi:10.1002/ejoc.201301146
CCDC 949722: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Alexander Giovannitti, Stefan M. Seifermann, Angela Bihlmeier, Thierry Muller, Filip Topic, Kari Rissanen, Martin Nieger, Wim Klopper, and Stefan Bräse|2013|Eur.J.Org.Chem.|2013|7907|doi:10.1002/ejoc.201301146
CCDC 949720: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Alexander Giovannitti, Stefan M. Seifermann, Angela Bihlmeier, Thierry Muller, Filip Topic, Kari Rissanen, Martin Nieger, Wim Klopper, and Stefan Bräse|2013|Eur.J.Org.Chem.|2013|7907|doi:10.1002/ejoc.201301146
CCDC 949724: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Alexander Giovannitti, Stefan M. Seifermann, Angela Bihlmeier, Thierry Muller, Filip Topic, Kari Rissanen, Martin Nieger, Wim Klopper, and Stefan Bräse|2013|Eur.J.Org.Chem.|2013|7907|doi:10.1002/ejoc.201301146