6th Gaje Worldwide Conference And 9th Ijcle Conference. Valencia 11-15 Julio De 2011
Reflective learning for reflective practice: An integrated approach. Part II
Propuesta Duración: 37M
How can lawyers cooperate with medical doctors? HComments based on the activities of The Medical Law Clinic in the Helsinki Foundation for Human Righs
Propuesta Duración: 32M
Developing clinical legal education program standards: Strengthening our practices or stifing innovation?
Duración: 50M
Human Rights, Access to Justice and Legal Clinics at the Inter-American System
Inaugural AddressDuración: 18M
The use of virtual law programs to support access to justice education initiatives
Duración: 1H20M
And justice (education) for all: Integrating and assessing justice education in the ''traditional'' law curriculum
Duración: 1H19M
Acces to justice in european law: Moving from civil procedural law and rules on access to courts towards substantive social justice. New challenges for Europe
Duración: 24M
Standardised clients and interviewing
Duración: 46M
Social justice and curriculum developmen -the case for problem-based learning
Propuesta Duración: 32M
Fostering an ethic of probono. Developing a culture of pro bono within law firms internatonally with a spotligh on Spain(Part II)
Duración: 1H24M
The ''New'' European Law Clinics: A Roundtable Discussion
Duración: 1H25M
What is legal professionalism and can clinic teach it?
Ponencia Duración: 40M
Plenary Session
Duración: 22M
Opening Plenary Session
Welcome RemarksDuración: 31M
GAJE and the Global Clinical Movement
Presentation of the recently published book, The Global Clinical Movement: Educating Lawyers for Social Justice, book.Duración: 51M
Reflective learning for reflective practice: An integrated approach
Propuesta Duración: 11M
Teaching trough clinics and clinic and the law curriculum
Duración: 1H32M
Street Law Workshop
Duración: 43M
A model for interdisciplinary clinical education; Medical and legal professionals learninga nad working together to promote public health
Propuesta Duración: 31M
Street Law Workshop
Duración: 1H09M
Fostering an Ethic of Pro Bono (Part I) 2-2
Duración: 34M
Mainstreaming Human Rights and Justice Concerns in the Law Department Curriculum
Duración: 1H02M
New Clinics and New Clinicians:interactions at the University of Valencia
Duración: 48M
Common law and civil law systems: skills and challenges for CLE
Duración: 31M
Fostering an Ethic of Pro Bono (Part I) 1-2
Duración: 49M
An Examination of the Challenges, Success and Setback for Clinical Legal Education in Eastern Europe
Duración: 51M
Plenary session
Duración: 29M
Cradle to Grave: Teaching Justice, Ethics and Law in a Clinical LLB
Ponencia Duración: 44M
Reflective learning for reflective practice: Developing a disciplined approach to reflection
Duración: 31M
Closign Plenary Session GAJE
Duración: 1H18M