Christina Biasi
Statistical upscaling of ecosystem CO2 fluxes across the terrestrial tundra and boreal domain: Regional patterns and uncertainties
The regional variability in tundra and boreal carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes can be high, complicating efforts to quantify sink-source patterns across the entire region. Statistical models are increasingly used to predict (i.e., upscale) CO2 fluxes across large spatial domains, but the reliability of different modeling techniques, each with different specifications and assumptions, has not been assessed in detail. Here, we compile eddy covariance and chamber measurements of annual and growing season CO2 fluxes of gross primary productivity (GPP), ecosystem respiration (ER), and net ecosystem exchange (NEE) during 1990–2015 from 148 terrestrial high-latitude (i.e., tundra and boreal) sites to a…
Inferring Phytoplankton, Terrestrial Plant and Bacteria Bulk δ¹³C Values from Compound Specific Analyses of Lipids and Fatty Acids.
Stable isotope mixing models in aquatic ecology require δ13C values for food web end members such as phytoplankton and bacteria, however it is rarely possible to measure these directly. Hence there is a critical need for improved methods for estimating the δ13C ratios of phytoplankton, bacteria and terrestrial detritus from within mixed seston. We determined the δ13C values of lipids, phospholipids and biomarker fatty acids and used these to calculate isotopic differences compared to the whole-cell δ13C values for eight phytoplankton classes, five bacterial taxa, and three types of terrestrial organic matter (two trees and one grass). The lipid content was higher amongst the phytoplankton (…
Vertical stratification of bacteria and archaea in sediments of a small boreal humic lake
ABSTRACT Although sediments of small boreal humic lakes are important carbon stores and greenhouse gas sources, the composition and structuring mechanisms of their microbial communities have remained understudied. We analyzed the vertical profiles of microbial biomass indicators (PLFAs, DNA and RNA) and the bacterial and archaeal community composition (sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons and qPCR of mcrA) in sediment cores collected from a typical small boreal lake. While microbial biomass decreased with sediment depth, viable microbes (RNA and PLFA) were present all through the profiles. The vertical stratification patterns of the bacterial and archaeal communities resembled those in mar…
Sources of nitrous oxide and fate of mineral nitrogen in sub-Arctic permafrost peat soils
Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from permafrost-affected terrestrial ecosystems have received little attention, largely because they have been thought to be negligible. Recent studies, however, have shown that there are habitats in subarctic tundra emitting N2O at high rates, such as bare peat surfaces on permafrost peatlands. The processes behind N2O production in these high-emitting habitats are, however, poorly understood. In this study, we established an in situ 15N-labelling experiment with the main objectives to partition the microbial sources of N2O emitted from bare peat surfaces (BP) on permafrost peatlands and to study the fate of ammonium and nitrate in these soils and in adjacent …
Emissions of atmospherically reactive gases nitrous acid and nitric oxide from Arctic permafrost peatlands
Soils are important sources of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrous acid (HONO) in the atmosphere. These nitrogen (N)-containing gases play a crucial role in atmospheric chemistry and climate at different scales because of reactions modulated by NO and hydroxyl radicals (OH), which are formed via HONO photolysis. Northern permafrost soils have so far remained unexplored for HONO and NO emissions despite their high N stocks, capacity to emit nitrous oxide (N2O), and enhancing mineral N turnover due to warming and permafrost thawing. Here, we report the first HONO and NO emissions from high-latitude soils based on measurements of permafrost-affected subarctic peatlands. We show large HONO (0.1–2.4 µ…
Ecosystem carbon response of an Arctic peatland to simulated permafrost thaw
Permafrost peatlands are biogeochemical hot spots in the Arctic as they store vast amounts of carbon. Permafrost thaw could release part of these long-term immobile carbon stocks as the greenhouse gases (GHGs) carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and methane (CH 4 ) to the atmosphere, but how much, at which time-span and as which gaseous carbon species is still highly uncertain. Here we assess the effect of permafrost thaw on GHG dynamics under different moisture and vegetation scenarios in a permafrost peatland. A novel experimental approach using intact plant–soil systems (mesocosms) allowed us to simulate permafrost thaw under near-natural conditions. We monitored GHG flux dynamics via high-resolution…
Heterogeneity of carbon loss and its temperature sensitivity in East-European subarctic tundra soils
Arctic peatlands store large stocks of organic carbon which are vulnerable to the climate change but their fate is uncertain. There is increasing evidence that a part of it will be lost as a result of faster microbial mineralization. We studied the vulnerability of 3500-5900 years old bare peat uplifted from permafrost layers by cryogenic processes to the surface of an arctic peat plateau. We aimed to find biotic and abiotic drivers of CLOSS from old peat and compare them with those of adjacent, young vegetated soils of the peat plateau and mineral tundra. The soils were incubated in laboratory at three temperatures (4°C, 12°C and 20°C) and two oxygen levels (aerobic, anaerobic). CLOSS was …
Trophic transfer of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in a boreal lake ecosystem: Testing of bioaccumulation models
Understanding the fate of persistent organic chemicals in the environment is fundamental information for the successful protection of ecosystems and humans. A common dilemma in risk assessment is that monitoring data reveals contaminant concentrations in wildlife, while the source concentrations, route of uptake and acceptable source concentrations remain unsolved. To overcome this problem, different models have been developed in order to obtain more precise risk estimates for the food webs. However, there is still an urgent need for studies combining modelled and measured data in order to verify the functionality of the models. Studies utilising field-collected data covering entire food we…
Priming effect increases with depth in a boreal forest soil
Abstract Climate warming increases labile carbon (C) inputs to soil through increased photosynthesis and C allocation belowground. This could counterintuitively lead to losses of soil C via priming effects (PE): the stimulation of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition caused by labile C addition. Systematic quantification of PEs in different ecosystems is needed. We measured PEs of free-living soil microbes in different layers of a boreal forest soil, and found that the relative magnitude of the PE increased with soil depth. The relationship between relative PE and the added glucose amount also depended on the soil layer. Our results indicate that the decomposition of SOM in deeper soil l…
A review of the importance of mineral nitrogen cycling in the plant-soil-microbe system of permafrost-affected soils : changing the paradigm
The paradigm that permafrost-affected soils show restricted mineral nitrogen (N) cycling in favor of organic N compounds is based on the observation that net N mineralization rates in these cold climates are negligible. However, we find here that this perception is wrong. By synthesizing published data on N cycling in the plant-soil-microbe system of permafrost ecosystems we show that gross ammonification and nitrification rates in active layers were of similar magnitude and showed a similar dependence on soil organic carbon (C) and total N concentrations as observed in temperate and tropical systems. Moreover, high protein depolymerization rates and only marginal effects of C:N stoichiomet…
The impact of long-term water level draw-down on microbial biomass : A comparative study from two peatland sites with different nutrient status
We examined the effects of long-term (51 years) drainage on peat microbial communities using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis. We analysed the peat profiles of natural and adjacent drained fen and bog sites. Viable microbes (i.e. microbial PLFA) were present in relatively large amounts even in the deepest peat layers of both peatland sites, a finding that warrants further investigation. Microbial biomass was generally higher in the fen than in the bog. Microbial community structure (indexed from PLFA) differed between the fen and bog sites and among depths. Although we did not exclude other factors, the effect of drainage on the total microbial biomass and community structure was not…
A globally relevant stock of soil nitrogen in the Yedoma permafrost domain
AbstractNitrogen regulates multiple aspects of the permafrost climate feedback, including plant growth, organic matter decomposition, and the production of the potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide. Despite its importance, current estimates of permafrost nitrogen are highly uncertain. Here, we compiled a dataset of >2000 samples to quantify nitrogen stocks in the Yedoma domain, a region with organic-rich permafrost that contains ~25% of all permafrost carbon. We estimate that the Yedoma domain contains 41.2 gigatons of nitrogen down to ~20 metre for the deepest unit, which increases the previous estimate for the entire permafrost zone by ~46%. Approximately 90% of this nitrogen (37 gigaton…
Sources of nitrous oxide and the fate of mineral nitrogen in subarctic permafrost peat soils
Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from permafrost-affected terrestrial ecosystems have received little attention, largely because they have been thought to be negligible. Recent studies, however, have shown that there are habitats in the subarctic tundra emitting N2O at high rates, such as bare peat (BP) surfaces on permafrost peatlands. Nevertheless, the processes behind N2O production in these high-emission habitats are poorly understood. In this study, we established an in situ 15N-labeling experiment with two main objectives: (1) to partition the microbial sources of N2O emitted from BP surfaces on permafrost peatlands and (2) to study the fate of ammonium and nitrate in these soils and in …
Nitrous oxide fluxes from permafrost regions
This dataset is a synthesis of published nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes from permafrost-affected soils in Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine permafrost regions. The data includes mean N2O flux rates measured under field (in situ) conditions and in intact plant-soil systems (mesocosms) under near-field conditions. The dataset further includes explanatory environmental parameters such as meteorological data, soil physical-chemical properties, as well as site and experimental information. Data has been synthesized from published studies (see 'Further details'), and in some cases the authors of published studies have been contacted for additional site-level information. The dataset includes studies publ…
Dataset of a globally relevant stock of soil nitrogen in the Yedoma permafrost domain
This dataset merges nitrogen data from the Yedoma domain. It includes numerous fieldwork campaigns, which take place since 1998. In total 467 samples from the active layer (seasonally thawed layer), 175 samples from perennially frozen Holocene cover deposits, 479 samples from thermokarst deposits in drained thermokarst, 175 in-situ thawed, diagenetically (anaerobic microbial decomposition possible during unfrozen phase) altered Yedoma deposits (called Taberite), and 917 samples from frozen Yedoma deposits are included. Moreover it includes a NH4+ and NO3- quantification basing on of 658 samples, including 378 data points for NH4+ (active layer, 93; Holocene cover, 108; thermokarst sediment,…